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Retained fetus 4 days post-whelp

I have a problem with my bitch post-whelp that I'm hoping a veterinarian, tech or experienced breeder can help me with.
48 hours post-whelp, my bitch began bleeding and didn't stop. I took her to my regular vet who was concerned about the amount of blood, thought she palpated a retained something, took xrays, bolused some fluids and sent me off to the emergency hospital. We did another pcv, which were running 36-32 that day between the two hospitals, did an ultrasound which actually did show something that looks like a degraded dead puppy, only 3.4 cms. long, still in it's sac. There is a blood vessel associated with that fetus, hence the bleeding. This is now 4 days post-whelp, 2 days from the onset of bleeding. I have yet to talk to a veterinarian who has run into this situation!
We all discussed the various treatments, obviously the ultimate decision if the bleeding does not stop, is to spay her, which I am okay with. I have a co-owner, and, believe it or not, two surgeons I work with who are encouraging me to try all options first.
We tried oxytocin, which did not cause one contraction and was not helpful. We have discussed prostaglandin treatment to cause the fetus to be (hopefully) aborted, set for tomorrow. It's a little nerve-wracking for me, and I would like to put as many heads together as possible. I have a call into a repro vet also, who, unfortunately is not real good about calling people back...
Has anyone experienced this before? Serious responses only would be greatly appreciated!

Re: Retained fetus 4 days post-whelp

I recently encountered a similar problem with Willow.

She had 4 puppies on April 1, and 3 days later, Willow was having medical problems. She did not want to eat, and she was very lathargic. Willow had a temp of 103.4 & she seemed to be having mild contractions.

I called my vet, and he suggested that I give Willow oxitocin, and bring her in. The oxitocin had no effect. So I took Willow to the Animal hospital, and she was palpiated by 2 vets. They suspect a retained puppy. An x-rayed was performed, which verified a puppy. To make a long story short, they had to do an emergency c-section to get the dead puppy out. Within 24 hours Willow's temp was down, and she was eating her food.

Willow & the puppies are doing well, and i am so glad that i took her in for the dreaded C-section 6 days ago.

Re: Retained fetus 4 days post-whelp

The repro specialist came through and called me back. She said the prostaglandins won't do anything to help pass this fetus. She feels that the bleeding is from this fetus passing down the canal and upsetting the placental site (s) and getting them bleeding again.
It's extremely unusual that this bleeding would start 2 days after whelping, but she thinks the mummified fetus was at the very top of the uterus and is trying to make it's way down, but I don't dare wait much longer due to the amount of bleeding.
She recommended ultrasounding again, endoscopy to go up there and see what it is and potentially pull it out, or spaying.
In retrospect, doing a "clean out" shot of oxytocin right after the "last" puppy would maybe have taken care of this, but she couldn't say definitely.

Re: Retained fetus 4 days post-whelp

Is there a reason why instead of a spay, that a "c-section" can't be done. Maybe Im missing something.

Re: Re: Retained fetus 4 days post-whelp

I'm wondering the same thing, unless you were planning to spay soon???

Re: Re: Re: Retained fetus 4 days post-whelp

I have to agree, you will need a Csection to get that puppy out. And do it soon!!! You dont want an infection to start with a dead decaying pup inside.
could cause pyro. Also, you dont want anything to happen to her milk etc. If you get the pup out soon, you should not have to spay her.
Hope this helps.

Re: Re: Re: Retained fetus 4 days post-whelp

Yeah I think I would have been at least once we found the dead puppy within, someone open her up, get it out! If the arrangement was for the bitch to be left 'breedable', I would let the operating vet determine the health of the uterus and condition. I never do a spay at time of section myself but I know certain situation warrent it.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Retained fetus 4 days post-whelp

Hi Robin,

I tend to agree that I would open her up and get the dead puppy out before she gets sick.

Please keep us posted on how she is doing and good luck!


Re: Retained fetus 4 days post-whelp

"If the arrangement was for the bitch to be left 'breedable', I would let the operating vet determine the health of the uterus and condition."

My thoughts exactly, after talking to the surgeon. I know her c-owner does want the option of breeding her again, so I will weigh heavily what the surgeon says about that. He has not had any issues with spaying a bitch while doing a "c-section", and feels that putting her under anesthesia again to spay her at a later date might be an equal risk.
I just now finished talking to the surgeon, and we have surgery planned for 1:00 pst. I'll keep you all posted, and thanks so much for the sage advice from those who posted!

Re: Retained fetus 4 days post-whelp

Good luck Robin, Lisa and Bella! I hope all goes well and please keep us posted. I'll be thinking good thoughts for you guys.

Call me if you need to talk,


Re: Retained fetus 4 days post-whelp

C-section was my thought too. Glad you are getting that pup out of her.

Prayers that there is no infection and no need to spay.


Surgery was decided on today as neccessary by all involved, but first we did another ultrasound. Sure looks like the fetus we saw Monday, unchanged.
Going in on surgery to get this thing out, what we found was an enlarged uterus (normal) with multiple large placental attachment sites that were full of blood clots, actively bleeding. No puppy, just a very large blood clot surrounded by blood. The surgeon "milked" the clots and blood out, flushed a bit to see if that would end the bleeding, and got increased bleeding. The only realistic solution to stop the bleeding, unfortunately, was to spay. Keep in mind, I was dealing with this in a non-surgical medical capacity for three days, and the bitch's red cell count kept going down due to excessive bleeding.
My repro specialist said these poorly-involuted placental sites can bleed for up to 13 weeks, but waiting any longer was not an option in Bella's case.
Kudos to Dr. Fred Pike, surgeon, and the Animal Urgent Care staff who took such good care of me and Bella today--they were stellar!
I know we have all heard horror stories of bitches being spayed during a c-section or right after whelping dying, but I think if you use a surgical specialist or experienced emergency doctor and staff, it makes the decision much less stressful.
Bella is doing well and was back home nursing her puppies 90 minutes after surgery! What a relief, no more bleeding..
Thanks all for your input and concern!

Re: Re: Retained fetus 4 days post-whelp

Hello Again,

When we took Willow in, the last thing i wanted was a c-section to get that dead puppy out, but it was manadatory.

It is important to get that dead puppy out asap. One reason, is to avoid infection which can result in a spay. But the # one reason is that if infection sets in, the mother's life, and puppies could be in danger. The milk can also get toxic, and other medical problems could arrise.

It has been a week since the c-section, and Willow & her puppies are doing great.


Re: Update

Hello Robin,

That is great news. #one priority is the health & safty of the mom & babes.

About 9 years ago, one of our girls, (Jazzi) had a c-section. She was doing ok, then started getting aggressive toward the puppies.

Jazzi was put on anti-bodics, but no avail. My vet put her on oxatocin/gentamicin/Pennacillian injections, and within two days, Jazzi gave birth to a dead decomposed puppy.

Apparently, this puppy was left in the birth canal when they did the c-section.

Jazzi was on anti-bodics for a three or four weeks, but the bleeding did not stop, so she had to be spayed. This was because of the infection from the dead puppy.

I was somewhat up-set about the spay, but I was fortunate that i did not loose Jazzi during that time.

God Bless,


Re: Retained fetus 4 days post-whelp

I haven't been on the Forum for several weeks and am now just doing some catch-up.

I had an experience with a dead puppy retained for 4 days post-whelp. The dam had four missing placentas, which didn't come out after 2 Oxytocin shots, and her problem was she was hunched over and couldn't pass urine. My regular vet was on vacation and I disagreed with the opinion of the covering vet, which was to do nothing, that her body would reabsorb the missing placentas and I had other breedable bitches if I lost this one. I won't expand any further on that!

I called Gerri Kennedy in CT to ask her vet, who is a breeder & also a VET, what she would recommend. She said to give her a shot of the prostaglandin Lutalyse –

It is used in swine to induce delivery and in cattle as an abortion shot and for treating pyometra. The receptionist at my vet's office has a horse, so she got some from her Large Animal vet. We gave the shot and 1 hour later my girl delivered a full term puppy that was dead and decomposing. She had 4 placentas tangled around her umbilical cord. They had apparently anchored this poor puppy in the birth canal.

The bottom line is the prostaglandin Lutalyse DID WORK and my girl didn’t need to have a c-section.

This might not have helped in this situation, but it could possibly help in other cases.

Re: Retained fetus 4 days post-whelp

What happened to the good old x/ray post whelping that might show a pup that didn't make it out of the uterine horns? The skeleton would show up. Does anyone x/ray post whelping anymore or only rely on palpation?

Laura Dedering that is important information you shared,a big thank you! So glad to hear this medication saved your bitch.