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This is a first for me. I have a 4mo old puppy
that was just diagnosed with Entopion in the
lower lid of one eye only.
A Specialist is doing the surgery next week
to corret it. I do trust the surgeon and know
she will be fine.
My question is, will there be scaring and
will I still be able to show her at a later


Re: Entopion

If your dog has been surgically altered in any way, you are not allowed to show them according to AKC.

Are you sure that your puppy isn't just teething? Sometimes, feet go flat, toplines are lost and eyes get droopy at 4 months. You should get another opinion before doing surgery. Perhaps just tacking the eyelid for a couple of weeks while the puppy grows into it's head will correct the problem.

Re: Entopion

I would not do any surgery until the dog is mature and the head is filled out. You could try tacking it to see if that works.

Re: Entopion

AKC rules are very specific that surgery to repair entropian is a disqualification.

Re: Re: Entopion

I would be tacking the lower eye lid rather than cutting it, alot of the time this works very well as the irratation of the eyelid turning in makes it worse, remove that irratation and they often correct them selves. And in my experience 4 months is rather late for true entropion to first appear, I am assuming this is correct. Any entropion I have encountered has always been preasent at 8 weeks, are you sure there has been no infection that has made the eye lid turn under, if you wish to show the pup then you must try tacking first. Good luck

Re: Re: Re: Entopion

I have had an entropion show up at 8 weeks once, and at 8 months it was very bad.

I had another one show up at 4 months only, in one eye. We tacked, it helped for a bit, around 8 months, we had to do surgery as it got worse.

Every case is different. I presume if it's only lower eyelid, showing up just now, it mustn't be so bad and I would have it tacked and wait. Head is not fully grown, and it may need the extra skin when the skull gets wider.

Get a second opinion.

Re: Entopion

Well my dog she isn't a puppy ,And we just did entropian surgery on her. she is 6 1/2.yrs.This was caused by an injury. It was done last month. No scaring at all.And she never looked better.Just my local vet. It would depend on how badly that entropian is.If it's starting to scratch the eye. I wouldn't wait.Have you gotten her eyes cerf'd yet.?