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Vaginal Discharge

Question for those with possible prior experience:

I have a chlt bitch due with her second litter in a few days. (First litter was a C-section after the natural delivery of 3 live pups--no other complications) Since about 5 or so days ago, this bitch has been leaking a thick brownish dischange. Typically, prior to whelping I may see a little mucus from the mucus plug, but in adition to this I'm getting thick brown and smelly. No red as far as I can tell, and I don't think it's green, unless it's really really dark green mixed with brown. More than anything, it looks like poo, but it's not coming from the rigt place to be poo, if you know what I mean.

She is other wise normal. Still eating well, movements are normal, etc. And, I can feel puppies moving around inside, so they seem to be fine, for now anyway.

Any thoughts, ideas, or suggestions?? Is this ok, or should she be examined? I hate drive to the EM vet over an hour away and risk upsetting her before the delievery if there is nothing to worry about, but if she needs to go, then I need to know.

Thanks in advance:)

Re: Vaginal Discharge

Well, I called the vet and looks like she needs to go in, so I'll be keeping my fingers crossed.


Re: Vaginal Discharge

Hoping everything is fine for Mom and pups.

Please let us know what the vet says

Re: Vaginal Discharge

Brown was ok. Smelly was not. Hope they give her a good, safe antibiotic to clear it up. Hope she's doing better very soon.

Re: Re: Vaginal Discharge

Brown or smelly is NOT ok, I had a girl do this and she lost the whole litter, it was a e coli infection and it was pretty gross that she "liquified" the 6 pups we saw on ultrasound at 5 1/2 weeks of gestation. Let us know what your vet says. Hope it's not the same thing with your girl.

Re: Re: Re: Vaginal Discharge

Just back from the vet. We do have a local infection--that has not spead to the pups. We are flushing her out a few times a day with Vagisil and have her on anitobiotics. He says she and pups should be fine. Since we were there, we did an x-ray and found at least 9 pups.

Thanks for all the info and suggestions.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Vaginal Discharge

Hi there,

Hope everything goes well. Let us know when she has her pups and how everyone is doing. I'll be sending good thoughts your way.
