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Cherry Eye?

We have been lucky in that eye problems for us have been very few in all our years, so this has me all upset.

Can anyone share information about experiences with Cherry Eye? We had awful wind this past 2 weeks, 4 month old puppy (yes teething and everything is sagging) had minor conjunctivitis. Then about a week passed and the nicitating membrane crept out over part of eye. Continued antibiotic eye drops. This morning it was very swollen and could not retract if we wanted to. Appointment at general practitioner is in a couple of hours for the first opinion. We can't get into our opthomologist until next week. Of course she is the pick girl we kept out of a VERY special litter.

Thanks for any help!

Re: Cherry Eye?

Had this once in the early 90's. It is uncomfortable for the dog, but an easy fix. Our regular vet did the surgery.