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Victory on Horse Slaughter HSUS

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This afternoon, at 12:38 p.m., the U.S. House of Representatives voted overwhelmingly (277-137) to restore a 34-year-old ban on the commercial sale and slaughter of America's wild horses and burros. Yesterday, the bill to ban the sale and transport to
slaughter of all American horses cleared a critical Senate committee by a decisive 15-7 vote. These victories move us even closer to banning horse slaughter in the United States permanently.

Here's what happened: Unfortunately, your U.S. Representative, Scott Garrett, voted no on the
wild horse bill. Please call Representative
Garrett at (202) 225-4465 and express your disappointment.

Your U.S. Senator, Frank Lautenberg,
who serves on the Senate committee, voted yes on the horse slaughter bill. Please call Senator Lautenberg at (202)224-3224 and let him know you appreciate his vote.

Your calls and emails are key to winning this fight. Everyday this past week, as I walked the halls of the House and Senate with other Humane Society of the United States staff, shoring up support for these two votes, every office we visited said the same thing: "We are getting a lot of phone calls from our
constituents about the horses." Please help keep the momentum going:

+ Click here to urge support for restoring protections to wild horses and burros:

+ Click here to urge support for banning the slaughter of all horses:

To shut down the horse slaughter industry in the United States and to stop horses from being exported to other countries for slaughter -- where they face longer transports and an even more grisly death -- we need everyone who cares about horses to get involved. Please tell your friends, family and colleagues how
they can help:

Thank you for your continued commitment to ending horse slaughter. Together, we have made tremendous progress. And together we will finish the job and shutter this barbaric business for good.


Wayne Pacelle
President & CEO
The Humane Society of the United States

Re: Victory on Horse Slaughter HSUS

I have a huge problem supporting ANYTHING that the HSUS does.

Re: Re: Victory on Horse Slaughter HSUS

I have a huge problem supporting ANYTHING that the HSUS

A big ditto to that. On the flip side, what happens to all the excess horses? I've read horror stories of people just abandoning their horse(s) in a remote place and leaving the locals to deal with the problem.

Re: Victory on Horse Slaughter HSUS

This is a big problem and in Kentucky there are reports of horses just being let loose to fend for themsleves. The costs to euthanize and dispose of a horse are considerable.

The HSUS has succeeded in Pet-ifying a beast of burden. Just wait till they make you a Guardian of your dogs!

Re: Re: Re: Victory on Horse Slaughter HSUS

Ditto !!!!! There was a report on my local news not long ago about this particular bill. They were interviewing some of the folks that bring their horses to the auctions and many were saying that if this bill passes, all of the old, sick or diseased horses will be tied to trees to die as it is very costly to euthanize a horse and dispose of it. Hope the horse rescue folks are getting in gear.....

Re: Victory on Horse Slaughter HSUS

So feral horses and burros can't be killed... Then it will be deer. Then ducks, geese, and other game birds. They are already after veal. Then lamb. Then chicken. Then beef... Then eggs... Then milk... It's not the method of slaughter, the balance of nature, or the environment - wild horses and burros are not even native to this country! You can see where this is headed.

I for one don't intend to be an involuntary vegan.

Re: Re: Victory on Horse Slaughter HSUS

On the flipside, our clinic was inspecting horses being exported to the U.S. for meat slaughter. You can't imagine how stressfull it was for these animals being thrown together into large pens awaiting transport. Many became sick and injured before they even made it on the trucks. We were thrilled to hear that the border was closed to meat horses. My feeling is that if they have to slaughter horses, at least keep them close to home.

Re: Victory on Horse Slaughter HSUS

Thank You Patty !

To those of you that approve of horse slaughter click on Tom Meyer's: Ohio Slaughter Town and then think long and hard if you approve of this barbaric practice.

Horses, we owe them. They helped our pioneers ancestors make their way across this country. You and I would not be where we are today if it were not for horses ! This also includes wild horses and burros. We take so much for granted in this country. What spoiled brats we are...Where is our compassion?

Those of you that approve of slaughtering and eating domesticated horses do you also approve of Korea and China slaughtering dogs for meat ?

Would you approve of the sale of dog meat in this country ?

Re: Victory on Horse Slaughter HSUS


F eed me, water me and care for me.
When my days work is done provide me with shelter, a clean dry bed,
and a stall wide enough to lie down in comfort.
Talk to me, your voice often means as much to me as the reins.
Pet me sometimes, that I may serve you the more gladly and learn to love you.

Do not jerk the reins and do not whip me when going up hill.
Never strike, beat or kick me when I do not understand what you mean,
but give me a chance to understand. Watch me and if I fail to do your bidding,
see if something is wrong with my harness or my feet.

Examine my teeth when I do not eat. I may have an ulcerated tooth that is very painful.
Do not tie my head in unnatural positions,
or take away my best defense against flies by cutting off my tail.
(I don't take away your mosquito curtains.)

Don't smoke in my barn or leave me tied overnight and
perhaps burn me to death while you are sleeping in your comfortable bed.
And last, my master when my strength is gone,
do not turn me out in a pasture with no shelter and let me freeze to death,
or sell me to some cruel owner to be slowly starved or worked to death.
Take my life in the kindest way, and your God will reward you - hereafter.

~ Author Unknown ~
Our friends give us so much, is it really so much to ask?
" There is something about the outside of a horse, that is good for the inside of a man. "
Sir Winston Churchill

Re: Re: Victory on Horse Slaughter HSUS

Re: Re: Re: Victory on Horse Slaughter HSUS

Thank you Patty, Deborah, and JMO. You have said exactly what I wanted to say. I won't watch the video or the description of what happens in a slaughterhouse because it would haunt me for years to come. Where is the compassion? And I will never be ashamed of having a tender heart nor will I feel the need to apologize for it. Thank you with all my heart.


Re: Re: Re: Re: Victory on Horse Slaughter HSUS

I don't blame you. It is a terrible thing to watch.
I only watch in order to educate myself for my arguments....and yes it does haunt me, same as the dogs in china being skinned alive video still haunts me.

Re: Re: Victory on Horse Slaughter HSUS

Nancy it's not just "wild horses"
You ever watch a horse race? A rodeo?
Do you imagine those horses ending up on a dinner plate. Well they DO.
Before you voice your opinions, please know what you are talking about.

Re: Re: Victory on Horse Slaughter HSUS

Well said Deborah!!!

Re: Re: Victory on Horse Slaughter HSUS

So the two of you approve of horses having a metal spike beat into their skull!!!!?. This is their death. AND if they don't die........... they are still sent through the grinder ALIVE and their skin is peeled off as they scream. They are also sent in trucks in massive amounts screaming for food and water. kicking and defending their selves for Hours, until one gets step on so much it dies. THIS IS CALLED ANIMAL ABUSE, NO MATTER WHAT YOU FEEL, YOUR WRONG.
Your comments are SOOOOOOOOOOO stupid.It is always about the argument. This is not funny and shame on the two of you making comments like these two.

Re: Re: Re: Victory on Horse Slaughter HSUS

Some people just have no regard.
They are totally uneducated about how the process works and until they watch the video's and do some research, they will continue to stand behind their rose colored glasses and think everything is quick and painless.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Victory on Horse Slaughter HSUS

Here's a good article as well

Re: Victory on Horse Slaughter HSUS

Whatever your opinion on horses, supporting the HSUS on any issue will simply feed their fire. And this is a horse story, not a Labrador Breeder story. The only relation this story has to Labrador Breeders is that it's yet another victory for the HSUS, which scares me. I haven't given my opinion on horse slaughter because it belongs on another forum.

Re: Re: Re: Victory on Horse Slaughter HSUS

Your comments are SOOOOOOOOOOO stupid.It is always about the argument. This is not funny and shame on the two of you making comments like these two.

So, instead of using your keyboard to yell at us for bringing up a very real problem that I can see no easy solution for, do have any way of solving this problem? I do not mean this a condiscending or patronizing manor, I really do not know how to solve the problem and would like to back a solution that is humane.

Re: Re: Victory on Horse Slaughter HSUS

I did not start the thread obviously but I can see the relevance to any animal enthusiast.
Dogs are tortured and slaughteedr just like the horses are.
The similarities are there and any animal lover should be made aware of what happens to our animals when foreigners (and yes ALL the horses slaughter plants are owned by foreign companies) get a hold of them.
I couldn't care less about your opinion on horse slaughter. If you think it's okay I would assume you think it's okay to skin dogs alive as well.
Your perogative.
But there are other animal lovers out here that may find this information useful and would otherwise maybe never know about it.
As for the HSUS, just because they stand behind a cause does not make that cause not worthy.
If you think so, then you are very closed minded.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Victory on Horse Slaughter HSUS

Yes, I do matter of fact.
It's called responsible horse ownership. Just like we preach in dogs.
Every horse, unlike every dog, has an owner though. So it should be much easier.

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Replying to:

Your comments are SOOOOOOOOOOO stupid.It is always about the argument. This is not funny and shame on the two of you making comments like these two.

So, instead of using your keyboard to yell at us for bringing up a very real problem that I can see no easy solution for, do have any way of solving this problem? I do not mean this a condiscending or patronizing manor, I really do not know how to solve the problem and would like to back a solution that is humane.

Re: Re: Re: Victory on Horse Slaughter HSUS

Your words are the best.With so much compasion .I hope I dont end a feral horse someday and "you know who" is deciding my death........ GEEEEEESh
This is a PUBLIC FORUM.Their are many Horse owners/dog breeders on this forum. PREECH away and educate.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Victory on Horse Slaughter HSUS

Responsible Breeding Practices and Ownership.
The balance of natures on the open plains will take care of feral horses. Awareness is the key and people involvement.Their are so many people already involved.Look how many letters where sent and it so far has stop horse slaughtering in USA, so far.One more challenge, cross your fingers, You ask for solution. things take time.Signing petition,education, and volunteering are excellent ways.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Victory on Horse Slaughter HSUS

I am very passionate on the subject being deeply involved in horse rescue myself.
The key is to educate because most non horse people are totally unaware of what was happening to our horses.
When they do find out, they are appalled!
I never fancied myself a lobbiest, but I guess when I found my cause.....

Re: Victory on Horse Slaughter HSUS

I love horses. I also love cats, birds, turtles, whales, butterflies, fish, and pretty much every animal on earth, and appreciate efforts made to protect them. But this is a LABRADOR RETRIEVER BREEDER forum. Not a SAVE THE ANIMALS forum.

Please take this discussion to one of these places:

I am already burned out just trying to keep up with the dog legislation. I simply can't be spread that thin.

Re: Victory on Horse Slaughter HSUS

I was away for the weekend (no computer) and i am appalled at the negative posts to this thread. I love all animals and will fight for them when abused.

I absolutely will not appologize for posting a horse thread on a "Labrador Forum".

Get real people, horses are animals too, and many are as loving, giving and intellegent as our dogs.

And yes, as posted, horses helped build the first American civilizations and our ancestors would not have survived without them.

For those of you who don't agree with the HSUS and what they do or could care less about horses why do you even bother to read or respond to these threads.

Take your uncompassionate opinions elsewhere.

There are far too many horse/dog people on this forum not to post this thread so we can get involved, if we choose, and help these poor horses