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hotel charge

Aggghhh!!!! I got my visa statement today and realized I forgot to cancel two reservations at The Holiday Inn Express for 3 nights each!!!!!! I feel bad that it could have freed up room during Potomac, but whats more I have a $250 charge and all for naught!!!!!!!!! I couldn't attend this year. Anyone ever have any luck getting any sort of refund after making such a faux pas?? TIA!!!

Re: hotel charge

I had a similar incident happen to me once, but unfortunately, I had to eat it. The cancellation policy is very explicit, and they will basically tell you that you should have been aware of it when you made the reservation. Sorry this happened to you.

Re: hotel charge

If you are a priority member, they may take pity on you. I would at least give it a try. However, on an event like that, they will probably tell you that they could have used that room for someone else; thereby they would be loosing money by refunding yours. Good luck.

Re: Re: hotel charge

It kind of makes you wonder though, if there really WAS a room sitting vacant, waiting for you. Especially after the first night.

Ah, just let it be a lesson if you CANT get any rebate, I can easily see it happening to me too.............