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New Political Action Committee for all of us!

I sincerely hope all the California Lab clubs are 100% behind the opposition to the AB1634, and are actively working to defeat this measure. There is a new PAC formed to protect all of our rights to own our pets. Please see the website for more information:

I plan on donating part of my puppy funds to this as if this thing passes, it will start a firestorm of similar legislation across the country and I might not be able to breed at all!

Re: New Political Action Committee for all of us!

There are currently 7 Regional Lab Specialty clubs in California. I only see two on the opposition list.

Keep in mind that since there is no exemption for dogs traveling into the state for shows, you could be fined for having intact dogs without an intact license in the state of California. In reality, total enforcement is going to be tough I agree, but it's a risk that many may not want to take.