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There are a few of us considering a new Lab club with the purpose of holding Specialties in connection with an all breed circuit. The circuit lasts several days and usually pulls Lab majors without Breeder judges. With rising travel expenses, Clubs are having a tough time competing for our entries and another Lab club may be the last thing we need.

So here’s the question:

Assuming you like the judges, show site and hospitality, would 6 or more chances for majors without leaving the show site make a difference in your decision to attend?

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Yes it would... I think that's a major consideration when planning on attending a show.

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A big Yes!

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Good question which leads to another one. Do you all still consider this a Specialty? Is it truly a Specialty and designated as such by AKC?
How are revenues and expenses usually handled in this matter? I believe Hossier was just held in within an All-Breed show. Can you all give us some insight?

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If your club and the All Breed club picked breeder judges, including sweeps at your Specialty, you might be able to get people to show for several days. For me it would depend on what judges were used. Pick your judges very carefully, ask around for different opinions if they think certain judges will draw. Check back on info dog to see how many entries a specitic breeder judges pulled at an all breed show. Don't assume that just because someone is a breeder judge exhibitors will use vacation days from work to show to them. There are a number of breeder judges that really have not pulled majors when used at all breed shows so just do your research.

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I'd check with the AKC first. I heard through my all-breed club (but never checked the rules myself) that AKC is now limiting clusters to 4 days. All current 5 days clusters were "grandfathered", so to speak, and are allowed to remain.

However, get past the rule - as long as it isn't more than two days away, I'd go.

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When and where would this cluster be?

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The cost all at once and the time away from home and work may keep the entries small.

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Six or more shows in a row would just be too much! Two is plenty! I know many who would agree with me. I think that type of show would lure in lots of handlers intead of breeder exhibitors.

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Six shows in a row is exhausting - not just for the handlers but for the dogs. My Corgi was still in good spirits after Kentuckiana and the TarHeel (10 shows in 11 days), but his litter brother shut down and stopped showing towards the end of the TarHeel. Knowing what I know now, I would not allow one of mine to be entered every single day for both clusters.

Cheers, K

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Six days would do me in. No thanks.

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This would be a winter Specialty when there are few, if any, conflicts. Many handlers are doing these clusters already.

Specialties held in connection with an all breed shows share overhead expenses with them. They are held on a different day on the same grounds. We would work to get the cluster clubs to hire Breeder judges.

Puppy exhaustion is one of the factors we have talked about. Even with back-to-back Specialties the pups get tired being shown 4 times in 2 days.

If we are going to do the work we would want to attract as many exhibitors as we can and then keep them coming year after year. We also have an idea of what we think makes a Specialty worth the drive, but wanted to see what others think.

If it's a given that the judges are the main draw, what other things would entice you to pack the Labbies and come?

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I agree that six days would be too much. I also avoid specialties that are clustered with all-breed shows because of the handler factor. JMO

Re: Input wanted

I think if it was held on the Friday end of a cluster it would draw a big entry.Then people would not have to enter all of the cluster,or miss a bunch of work. The handlers will be there anyway,just as they were at Potomac. Breeder judges know to look at the dog end of a lead.