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Type of Mulch?

Shady, poor draining yard with four dogs.
Grass does not stand a chance!
I am considering either mulch or stone.
Leaning towards mulch.
I do not want to use anything that might have dye or chemicals in it because the guys will be laying in it and picking up toys etc.
They may even try a taste-not labs surely!
So, please give me suggestions on what kind to use...
I think that I remember someone saying Aspen mulch? But no one has ever heard of it in the midwest.
There is shredded, chips, hardwood, pine, cedar, etc.
Help please

Re: Type of Mulch?

Mulch does NOT work if you have diggers or chewers.

I am in the process of redoing one of my exercise pens--the airing pen before they go out in the pasture to romp. I talked with my veterianarian who happens to be the vet for a large bull stud. Here is what he recommends.

We are putting a base of limestone rock/gravel several inches deep for drainage. On top of that will be crushed limestone that we will pack down hard. He says it lasts well, is antibacterial because of the lime and the dogs can't/won't dig in it. It will be like a hard-packed driveway.

Easy to scoop, the water will run off, it will help control odor and bacteria.


Re: Type of Mulch?

There is a cocoa mulch -- very very bad for them!!! Avoid it. Stones might be your safest bet, unless they are stone-chewers. There is a mulch made from recycled tires, but you don't really want them eating that, either.

Re: Re: Type of Mulch?

We use a cedar BARK mulch. It is stringy and doesn't blow away or get kicked away. It pretty much packs down but still a soft area for the dogs to lay and smells pretty good too. Repels bugs. Have only been able to find it in bags. If you do find it, it can be pricy, but lasts quite a while.

Re: Type of Mulch?

I just call my local tree company and they bring me dump truck loads for free. Works great,no urine smell at all. Keeps the dust down too. I get mostly Pine, Oak and Cypress.

Re: Type of Mulch?

Hey Mk, I have a similar set up in a large area (25 x 60), but I used washed limestone so it would not pack hard like a driveway. I didn't want water sitting on top or urine puddles for that matter. My bottom base is about 6 inches and the top with the smaller stone is about the same. This is a raised kennel much like the idea of raised garden beds. Yea, they do some digging but never get far. The base is stock fencing pinned down with landscape pins and landscaping paper to prevent mud seeping up from beneath. Have not had any of them able to pull anything up in 5 years. (but than again, i raise Labs but prepare for Elephants...Ha, Ha, Ha!!) Keeps them clean and dry which is why I put it in. We have shade, high water table and mud galore!!! It's a good place to dry off and get clean before coming indoors. Easy to attach a garden chemical dispender to a hose with bleach to clean when needed in Summer months and it drys very quickly because of super drainage. I love it