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Cali People contact your vets!

Cross Post!!

Lisa and I have FINISHED pulling about 2400 CVMA vets from the CVMA website,
vet by vet, town by town. And we are now starting to send each one of those
vets a formal letter why they should oppose AB1634.

AND we have about 20 (TWENTY!) GREAT people who are writing the vets in their
town and surrounding towns a personal (I send a sample letter) letter telling
them that they and their neighbors use those vets and to tell them to stop
their leaders' sponsorship of AB1634. TWENTY people! C'mon, we can do better
than that. You spend longer than that talking about the bill on the lists!

Email me, with your town and the towns around you. If you don't know how to
do labels, I'll either talk you through it, or get them to you in a word doc.
Even writing them out longhand would work!!!

CVMA NEEDS to pull it's sponsorship. Many of the rank and file aren't even
aware of the bill, and when informed about it, get very angry. Not all of
them...but MANY. We need to get the message to them


Stormy Hope
California Federation of Dog Clubs
S.P. Region GSDCA RALEEF Representative

Re: Cali People contact your vets!

San Diego VMA was sending emails to area veterinarians awhile ago (before AKC even got involved) opposing AB 1634, so at least in this area, they are on the right side. Surprises me a little since this can be a very politicaly conservative area!
Most vets I know are appalled at the restrictions for reputable breeders, but don't have a lot of time to protest or oppose, other than emails.