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Lethargic 5-week-old puppy

I've got a litter of 7 5-week-old pups and this morning when I went to feed them, one of the females was acting lethargic. She wasn't in with the rest of them whining for food, just sort of sitting back. When I put the bowl of food in, she sniffed it then walked away and laid down. Very unusual, they are all normally little chow hounds. So I made her a plate of her own and took her out of the box to feed her. She ate a little bit of it, but then laid back down and went to sleep. Took her temp and it's normal. So far, no vomiting and no diarrhea that I've seen (mom is still cleaning up after the pups). The few stools I have seen have all been hard, but not sure which pups they came from. I've removed her from the rest of the litter just in case and I'm going to try to get her into the vet this morning. Am I overreacting? Anyone have any similar experiences?

Re: Lethargic 5-week-old puppy

The only thing I have seen in the past few years is a "24 hour" bug that traveled through each of the puppies. I was concerned, but talked to the vet, and sure enough, it lasted about 24 hours. (they did vomit)but got over it quickly. Good luck.

Re: Lethargic 5-week-old puppy

Melissa, have the pups been worried yet?

Re: Lethargic 5-week-old puppy

I did have a puppy at 6weeks that started not eating and separated himself. He became very restless and could not settle down at night. Took to the vet and many test later diagnosed with a liver shunt..

Re: Lethargic 5-week-old puppy

Thanks for the replies. Yes, they have all been dewormed twice. I took her into the vet this morning. Since we're heading into the weekend, I wanted her checked out. Parvo test was negative, thank goodness. Her fecal came back positive for coccidia and she was slightly dehydrated. They gave her some fluids under the skin and started her on Albon (as well as the other pups when I got home). Vet gave me the all clear to put her back in with the other pups and when I got her home, she was initiating play and acting much more like herself. She even started nursing when mom walked by, so I feel much better.

Re: Lethargic 5-week-old puppy

Glad to hear this baby is feeling better. and prayers that she continues to.