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Advice....Crying Puppy????

Hi everyone. Wondering if anyone has ever experienced a puppy who cries alot? I have a litter of 2 week old puppies and there seems to be one that cries much more than normal. He has been doing this almost since birth. At first, I just thought that he was a whiny puppy, but now I am concerned that it is more than that. I am going to take him to the vet for a check up. He is the biggest puppy in the litter and is definitely not hungry. He does sleep well, but seems to cry alot before being able to fall asleep. Could there be something more seriously wrong? I appreciate all of your advice. Thank you.

Re: Advice....Crying Puppy????

He might be too warm. Try a wet dish towel for him to lie on. You can also freeze a bottle of water or use your creativity. Let us know if that works!

Re: Re: Advice....Crying Puppy????

I will try that. Thank you. I dont think I have the room too warm though. All of the puppies seem very happy, except for him. Mom does have alot of milk and he is quite fat. Is it possible that he is getting too much milk and therefore maybe getting a pain in his belly?

Re: Advice....Crying Puppy????

He may just be a little gassy after filling up at the milk bar. There are over the counter products that your vet can suggest that will quiet the puppy's stomach down.

Re: Advice....Crying Puppy????

Took him to the vet and all... it was GAS and slight constipation, he was a glutton. You can try a drop or two of those infant anti gas drops (sp? simithicone or something that sounds like that!)and I found a cool damp towel always quiets my gang, they HATE to be warm, even if its 72 they begin to fuss! Good Luck

Re: Re: Advice....Crying Puppy????

Can I just say I love reading the posts on this forum! So informative

Re: Re: Re: Advice....Crying Puppy????

My first litter, I had one little screamer, especially after eating. Once I turned down the heat, he settled in just fine.
It's funny how all the text books say keep the box at 78 to 80 degrees

Re: Advice....Crying Puppy????

So, how is the little guy?

Re: Re: Advice....Crying Puppy????

Yes, usually too hot or too cold if crying. More likely hot. They love frozen bottles or ice packs covered with a wash cloth works. Hope they are fine by now.

Re: Re: Re: Advice....Crying Puppy????

Thank you everyone for your advice. I tried the bottle, turned the heat down some more, and he seems very happy! I can always trust you guys for help. Thanks again!

Re: Advice....Crying Puppy????

Oh good - I've found that Labbie puppies need a little extra heat just for a couple of days, and then they become little fuzzy furnaces and they need a cool down!

Re: Advice....Crying Puppy????

I wet a bunch of towels, ring them out and store them in the fridge to keep cool. Quiets my pups down instantly. Plastic frozen bottles work great too.