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Help with swimmer puppy!!!

I have a 15 day old pup that is not up yet. He looks like a swimmer
I know there is a way to tape the legs but I am afraid to do it because I have never had a swimmer before.
I have hills in the whelping box, it doesn't help. He is very lazy and lies flat on his stomach all the time. He scoots around with his back legs behind him and is quite flat in the chest area.
He is also VERY fat.
What should I do?
How is the best way to tape the legs?

Re: Help with swimmer puppy!!!

I know someone who can help you. I'm trying to find her email address for you. Hang in there. I'll get back to you or you may be contacted directly or on this thread by this person.

Re: Help with swimmer puppy!!!

Try contacting

Joan had a rescue swimmer pup, Chance, and may be able to help you.

Re: Re: Help with swimmer puppy!!!

I had a puppy like that. I used regular 3/8 or 1/2 inch bandage tape, rigged so that the surfaces next to the puppy's legs and in the hobble were double taped with the sticky sides together so that they were not adhering to the fur or bedding, etc. I made loops to go around the two front legs and connected them with a strip long enough so that the puppy had to sleep on his side. He could not sprawl out with his legs out to the sides. The connector was long enough that he could get up and walk. It was quite awhile ago, so my memory is a little foggy, but I think it took only 5 days or so, and he was up and walking, and I removed the hobbles. In less severe cases, I have been able to head problems off by turning puppies onto their sides whenever I find them sleeping on their chest. If they sleep on their sides, the chest cavity will not get dorso-ventrally flattened.

Re: Help with swimmer puppy!!!

I had 2 puppies like this last year. They were the only 2 in the litter and just grew so fast and got so fat! Do not let him sleep on his belly. Anytime you see him in that position, turn him on his side. Mine always fought me when I did that, but I just had to hold them on their sides until they quit fighting and fell asleep. I used small baskets with padding in front and behind to keep them on their sides as well. We took the carpet out of the whelping box and put in foam mattress pads, dimple side up. Make hills and valleys under the foam. A few times a day, take the pup out and work his legs to try to build the muscle, sort of like physical therapy. I also bought several bath mats, turned them rubber side up and strung them together down my hallway. I then placed each puppy at one end and called and encouraged them to walk towards me at the other end. If they fell, I immediately put their legs back in the proper position and started over. It takes time, but you can fix it. I noticed my pups at around 10 days and by the time they were 6 weeks old, they were completely normal. Good luck!

Re: Re: Help with swimmer puppy!!!

If his chest is already flat, he CAN'T sleep on his side. Hobbling is the only solution.

It would be best if someone can show you because if you don't do it right, you won't get the correction you want and it will just take that much longer to fix it.

After 24-48 hours of being hobbled, you will be amazed that his chest will be round again. However, you need to keep him hobbled for about a week to make sure the correction is sufficient. Sometimes you have to cut off one set of bandages and re-tape because they get dirty, come un-stuck, etc.


Re: Re: Re: Help with swimmer puppy!!!

Hi Flat,

Lucky me! I have had lots of experience with this.

Email me and I will send you some very comprehensive suggestions about how to deal with this.


Re: Re: Re: Re: Help with swimmer puppy!!!

Thank you all for your suggestions and Joan I will email you.
I found a site that has several different options of things to make. I opted for the vet wrap vest and he is not pleased, but his legs do seem to be more where they should be.
I have been sitting with him all day, keeping him on his side.
It isn't helping that it's hot here too which is making the poor guy pant from struggling with me to get back on his belly

I put an ice pack under the towel he is on and he quieted down thank goodness. The last thing I want to see is him getting too stressed.
Thanks again and anyone else that has any experience, please feel free to post! I could use all the suggestions I can get. This is a beautiful little boy and I certainly don't want to lose him!!

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Help with swimmer puppy!!!

another thing about swimmers: I found that I could put a small rolled towel on the tummy side of the swimmer when he was asleep on his side and the towel would help to prevent him from rolling back on to his belly. I did find that with keeping them on their side when they slept and a bit of hbbling - by 6 weeks they were perfectly normal.

Re: Help with swimmer puppy!!!

Sounds like you have caught it early and are doing all the right things.. believe it or not your puppy will be up and about soon...Good for you