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Bunny Update

Bunny is improving and she seems quite perky so I am hopeful that she will recover.

Last night she was very anxious to snack on a banana (her favorite treat) a very good sign.

We're not out of the woods yet - but we can see the light more today.

My Veterinarian says we're definitely making great progress and Bunny is on her way to a full recovery.

I'm hoping she will come home early next week.

Re: Bunny Update

Wonderful news! So glad she is doing well, improving and will be home with you soon.

Re: Bunny Update

Julie, that's the best news ever for you and your family! Here's to a speedy & complete recovery!

Re: Bunny Update

Hi Julie,

That is such good news. Here's to a speedy, full recovery.

My Dusty had pyo a year ago and was in the vet's four days. She is doing great now. Recovered completely and spoiled rotten...worse than before.

Hugs to Bunny and prayers for you both.
