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Big Brother is Watching!

This is scary stuff. I live in one of these counties and currently comply with all licensing and permits. If AB1634 goes through, I will be the first to get that knock on my door.

Since when did it become a crime to own a pet?

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Wednesday, May 09, 2007
Outsourcing Pet Owner Privacy for Profit

Lloyd Levine's mandatory castration proposal could lead to record
corporate profits -- pet owners are in the crosshairs Has your personal
information been databanked ? Read it and weep, California pet owners.

Last week we did a little speculating on enforcement strategies for
Lloyd Levine's radical proposal to surgically sterilize every single
dog and cat in the entire state
of California. But that was then, and this is now.
The beat goes on.
The Mother of All Databases is already a reality PetData Inc., a
corporation in Irving, Texas, already collects information on
law-abiding citizens who happen to own pets. They say they have already
databanked information on 2 million residents in more
than 20 U. S. communities, and four entire counties. Matthews, North
Carolina, just joined the ranks of municipalities contracts with

Your personal privacy on the auction block If you live in a community
that outsourced animal licensing functions to PetData, you may not even
realize it yet. When you vaccinate your cats and dogs for rabies, your
vet forwards the details to PetData Inc.

Your name, your address, your contact information and your dog's or
cat's veterinary information goes into for-profit PetData Inc.'s
privately-owned, privately-controlled database. PetData proudly
advertises its membership in the Humane Society of the United States.
has no corporate privacy policy. From rabies vaccination to Animal
Control at the door --two shakes of a lamb's tail!

These California communities already contract with PetData-- a..
b.. Dana Point
c.. Fairfield
d.. Oakland
e.. Riverside
f.. San Clemente
g.. San Luis Obispo
h.. Torrance
i.. Vacaville
j.. Vallejo
k.. County of San Luis Obispo
l.. County of Solano

If you live in one of these California municipalities or counties, your
local elected officials struck a deal with PetData. For a modest fee,
PetData is doing the animal licensing enforcement for your community.
you vaccinate an unlicensed pet, you're going to hear from PetData.

But it gets better.
PetData can kick back and watch the profits roll in. Matthews, North
Carolina, is paying them $3.75 for each one year license they collect
That's just the beginning. Its the aftermarket sales that are going to
be most valuable to
PetData. Insurance companies, landlords, breed bigots, pet supply
marketers, Gonad Nazis.

PetData is building itself one hell of a marketable databank. Not just
for California either. Check out the website. Albuquerque signed a five
year contract with PetData.
But in a world where greed is good. . . who cares? Its the American
Plus, your dog or cat is already neutered. You're not breaking any
Life is good. Right? Wrong.

The New York Times reports that its virtually impossible to find
in Manhattan--where housing vacancy rates hover in the very low single
digits-- if your household includes a dog that weighs over 20 lbs. If
you've got more than one dog or cat? Fuhgeddaboutit.

Gawd knows insurance companies are itching to drop dog owners. They
have to find 'em.
But Gonad Nazis on a mission ? Oooh, baby! PetData is marketing the
reports it can run from the data it collects. Need a list of households
with intact dogs or cats in Riverside, California? Shazaam!

Not paranoia. Not a conspiracy theory. They are coming for you. And
certain sensitive parts of your pets. The Humane Society of the United
States, the largest, wealthiest animal
extremist organization in the country--one that is dedicated to
eliminating pet ownership-- is already using PetData as a mouthpiece.

Will municipalities increasingly outsource law enforcement
responsibilities to profit-motivated private organizations? Ones with
accountability? As a private corporation, PetData's employees are
responsible to their own Board of Directors. We the People don't get to
vote on what they do, or how they do it.

Meanwhile, back at the Nanny-State nursery. Poor, clueless Lloyd
Levine -- the pro-choice Democrat, representing a pro-choice
constituency in a pro-choice state -- who wants to deny pet owners any
choices. Levine-the-liberal -- now turned animal extremist poop-boy--
intent on bringing fascism to the homes of California dog and cat

Maybe freedom of choice and the right to privacy really don't matter to
Lloyd Levine. Or maybe he thinks its okay to deny these liberties to
"certain people", like pet-owning Californians. But I'm thinking the
percent of Californians that own cats and dogs would kick his butt from
one end of the state to the other if they knew what AB 1634 really
to them, and to the pets they love.

Protect your rights to own a quality, purebred dog from a reputable
breeder. OPPOSE CA Bill AB1634!

Please click on the following link to learn how you can help:

Re: Big Brother is Watching!

So much for the "Land of the Free", huh?
I'm amazed at how laws and other freedom gobbling regulations get passed with so few people showing any outrage. They slowly eat away our basic rights of ownership. is just slipping right through our hands and so few of us even have time to wave good-bye.

Re: Re: Big Brother is Watching!

I think now is the time for everyone to get together and work on our own laws for responsible breeders so we can contine our dog hobby we love so much. What good is showing our dogs if we aren't allowed to breed any.

Re: Big Brother is Watching!

Here is the email I received:

California Assembly Appropriations Committee just PASSED AB 1634 (the mandatory spay/neuter bill) out of the committee. Votes were cast along party lines with the Republicans voting against it, and the Democrats
voting for it, with the exception of two Democrats, Fiona Ma and Anna
Caballero, voting against it.

There were some Democrats overhead saying that they would vote against
it if the serious issues that have been raised are not addressed by the time
it reaches the Assembly Floor, where the bill is headed next. The serious issues are those that the public has been raising over hobby breeders, responsible owners, undetermined fees, etc.
This means that we all will need to gather our strength and start anew
with our telephone calls, emails, and personal letters. Fiona Bennett will
post to the list precise information on what to do next, whom to contact,
etc,once she is back from Sacremento and today's rally scheduled for noon at
the Capitol grounds.

Re: Big Brother is Watching!

From the AKC CA Spay/Neuter Action Center. More than 600 people in opposition were in attendance!

May 16th Update - CA AB 1634 Voted Out of Committee

Today, the California Assembly Committee on Appropriations voted 9-to-7 in favor of Assembly Bill 1634. The bill will now be considered by the full Assembly.

The American Kennel Club thanks the more than 600 people who attended today's hearing in opposition to AB 1634, and everyone who contacted their legislators and the Assembly Appropriations Committee members.

Today's developments are only one part of the long legislative process. As the bill continues to move, continued fervent opposition by breeders and concerned dog owners is essential to its defeat. Now more than ever, it is vital that breeders and concerned owners in California write or visit your Assemblymember and express your vehement opposition to AB 1634. More often than not, Assemblymembers work from their district offices on Fridays. This makes Fridays a great time to meet with them and discuss your concerns.

AKC will continue to monitor and report developments in California as they warrant. Please return to tomorrow for further information.


AB 1634 Amended Again - Continued Opposition Needed!

California Assembly Bill 1634 has been amended again. The amendments will provide an exemption to out-of-state fanciers if the owner can prove that the cat or dog is temporarily in California for training, showing or any other legitimate reason as determined by the local jurisdiction.

The bill also will allow purebred dog owners and breeders to qualify for and purchase an intact animal permit if they meet one of the following criteria:

The animal has competed in at least one show in the previous two years.
The cat or dog has earned, or if under two years of age is in the process of earning a title.

Re: Re: Big Brother is Watching!

Yes and I bet all those politicians who voted for the spay neuter bill would be equally upset if a bunch of Extremist tried to push a bill that would take away all the guns/right to bare arms.

The whole Peta organization makes me sick. The sad thing is there will always be back yard and puppy millers who will get by with illegally breeding puppies and cats. Do you think the back yard and millers will start taking their breeding stock to AKC shows ? Now that is a joke. It's going to be the responsibile breeders who will be taken down in all the PETA bull.