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I hate to use poisons around my dogs for mice, but I have been less than successful with traps....tried to be good using the havahart trap, but the mice kept getting out....I couldn't get it to work right; the snap trap they have been avoiding lately for better fare; won't use those sticky traps....too sad...


Re: MICE!!!

Any friends have a cat you can borrow?

We have 2 cats...they keep us nice free :)

Re: MICE!!!

My Havahart mouse trap works great - perhaps you need some assistance getting it set? My biggest problem with it was what to do with the mice. It seemed pretty stupid to release them in the yard, and I just couldn't figure out a humane way to dispatch them! I had hamsters at the time, so silly me, I started putting the mice into an empty hamster cage as I caught them. And, silly me, I fed them. I caught a total of seven and the trap stayed empty for about a week so I had gotten them all. But I sure felt foolish feeding these things! I couldn't bear to dispatch them, and couldn't figure out how to do it humanely. And it seemed pointless to let them loose in the yard because they would just come back into the garage. So I continued to feed them and feel like an idiot. Then, one day, I had to drive to Vermont, and thought, "Vermont! Wouldn't that be a great place for homeless mice!" So off in the car I went with 7 mice in a hamster cage. I stopped at the Visitors Welcome Center just over the border, and parked in the far corner of the parking lot. When I released the mice, they scattered in 7 different directions and disappeared. And it made me feel good to expand the gene pool of mice in Vermont.

Re: MICE!!!

You need a russell terrier! They get along great with the labs and make short work of the mice :)

Re: Re: MICE!!!

fox urine deters them you can purchase in powder form or liquid form... just go into a holistic site... you'll see tons of natural deterants

Re: Re: MICE!!!

You are kidding, aren't you? Way too funny!

Re: MICE!!!

I have a friend who uses fresh cab with success. It's a pouch of herbs that mice apparently don'tike the smell of so they stay away.

Good luck!

Re: Re: MICE!!!

My cat does a wonderful job with the mice.

Re: Re: Re: MICE!!!

We don't need cats. Our Lab is a great mouser. :)

Re: Re: MICE!!!

No wonder they refused to clean your van, LMAO!!!

Re: MICE!!!

I have 5 employees (CATS) They do a wonderful job on our 9 acres. Matter fact we are so far snake ferret and ground squirrel free. although i know they missed one.saw him out mowing. But i haven't seen a mouse in years. cats get feed dry food and occasional canned food.We were over run with mice. When pheasants forever came in to put food plots on the acreage with plastic.And that encouraged rodents of all sorts. So get a cat or 2.

Re: MICE!!!

I have to say I would have done the same thing as Nancy. I raised domestic mice as a kid and think they are cute and have a soft spot in my heart for them. Go ahead, call me crazy

Nancy, I'm surprised you didn't end up with 3 times the amount if mice in that cage the way they reproduce. LOL

I too have them in my house (old house) and find them in my kitchen garbage sometimes and I will release them in the yard knowing they are going to come back in. They live mostly under my kitchen - oldest part of the house and no foundation under it - just dirt floor under my tile floor.

You can buy a trap (can't think of what it is called) its a black box they go into and can't get out of - don't know if it involves poison but I'm sure they perish in there.

Re: MICE!!!

As long as they stay out of the house the little critters have no worries from me. However, IF they venture inside, either the cats or me will get them. This understanding seems to be working since we rarely have any inside unless one of the cats hauls it in to play with. Ever tried to catch a mouse being chased by a cat who's being chased by at least one VERY intent lab?!