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Try a new strategy with people?

If people have so much energy to do the wrong thing then they have enough energy to do the right thing and focus on the positive in all instead of the negative.
This would lift everyone up and bring forth the best in people.
Contrary to current beliefs I think 99.99% of people in here are nice people.
There will always be that one student that has to get the last word or make a snide remark that’s never going to change.
Sorry didn’t mean to get preachy here but we can only control ourselves and be better about it all the around.

I post this anonymously out of fear.
I’m not alone.

Re: Try a new strategy with people?

Look, if you want to do something about puppy mills then do it, but getting on here and getting into pissing contests isn't gonna do it. They are and ALWAYS will be puppy mills somewhere, somehow. all you can do is fight the fight you can win... Propose laws that would keep them out of your neighborhood but be prepared to take those poor mistreated anti social dogs into your home and tend to them for the rest of their lives... most just aren't going to be good pets as they were never handled, have no name and are more comfy with other dogs. But single out one specific group of people and what do you think is going to happen... not ALL Amish are puppy mills and not getting clearences doesn't make you one either and you can say ignorance is no excuse but it is. Only 1 out of 5 people that raise puppies lasts for 1 year, 3 out of 10 last 10's hard work and heart breaking work...

Re: Re: Try a new strategy with people?

Wait just a cotton pickin' minute!!!

I have said NOTHING about puppy mills NEVER EVER in this forum.

What's that matter with you!

I rest my case........

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Replying to:

Look, if you want to do something about puppy mills then do it, but getting on here and getting into pissing contests isn't gonna do it. They are and ALWAYS will be puppy mills somewhere, somehow. all you can do is fight the fight you can win... Propose laws that would keep them out of your neighborhood but be prepared to take those poor mistreated anti social dogs into your home and tend to them for the rest of their lives... most just aren't going to be good pets as they were never handled, have no name and are more comfy with other dogs. But single out one specific group of people and what do you think is going to happen... not ALL Amish are puppy mills and not getting clearences doesn't make you one either and you can say ignorance is no excuse but it is. Only 1 out of 5 people that raise puppies lasts for 1 year, 3 out of 10 last 10's hard work and heart breaking work...

Re: Re: Re: Try a new strategy with people?

Where in the world and why do you think I am remotely talking about puppy mills and these Amish breeders.
That is not what my post is about at all.

Re: Try a new strategy with people?

Tired is as tired does. Ho hum. Bunch of bird brained biddies you are.

Re: Re: Re: Try a new strategy with people?

Not meant toward you dear. Didn't realize it went as a reply to you...I'm sorry.

Re: Re: Try a new strategy with people?

I couldn't agree with you more Forrest!!