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Professional Agitators

Professional Agitators (or maybe Amateur Agitators) go into a situation and cause agitation. They push hot buttons and cause arguments and conflict. For example, a political group might hire professional agitators to supplement a demonstration. They make lots of noise, encourage the crowd, and make the demonstration more dramatic for the media. They also go into groups and start in-fighting, and distract the group from it's real purpose.

Any response, positive or negative, is success for these people.

This forum is being stirred up by Agitators. And it's working. You can't stop them by arguing with them - they just keep going in circles. You can't stop them by asking them to go back to appropriate subjects - the fact that you are unhappy is exactly the result they want. You can't stop them by insulting them, labeling them trolls, complaining, or any other overt action. They want the disruption, the attention, the distraction from the good things.

The only way to stop them is to completely ignore them and their arguments. Even then, on a forum like this, they will be able to adopt several anonymous names and start arguments with themselves to make it look like these Labrador breeders are a bunch of squabbling fools.

Fact is, the Labrador breeders on this forum are as a whole wonderful, caring, intelligent people. We just have to take that as a given and completely ignore any anonymous agitation that is posted, and go about the stated purpose of the forum.

Be steadfast, and with patience, they will give up and take their cat to poop in some other sandbox.

Re: Professional Agitators

Well said Nancy!

Re: Re: Professional Agitators

I agree wholeheartedly but there are a few that go public with their names and then aono to be a troll if they don't like someone.
Been watching one person pick peck at everything one nice poster posts.
Like you said, ignore.

Re: Professional Agitators

I hope you guys aren't trying to say that is what I have been doing! You see Jill banned me for like a week or something and I have not posted since(almost three weeks ago I think?), IP addresses will prove that fact. She said I was trying to disrupt the forum on purpose, which is just not true!! You see when the so called Trolls would come out and hammer on me she figured that is what I wanted so she banned me instead of the ones that were stirring up the mess. So in all actuallity the ignorant behavier has only been encouraged by the higher ups on this forum and the real people that needed to be banned have continued to to disrupt and people who are not affraid to add accountability to this forum and use their real names are the only ones beinging punished, whether it is by being banned or by the forum they used to enjoy so much being ruined by a few trolls.

Re: Re: Professional Agitators

Jack, there are some teacher's pet here, it's political like everything else.
Some trolls are allowed to do whatever they want and they don't get banned.
Don't ever try to defend your position Jack, it doesn't help and may get you banned.

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Replying to:

I hope you guys aren't trying to say that is what I have been doing! You see Jill banned me for like a week or something and I have not posted since(almost three weeks ago I think?), IP addresses will prove that fact. She said I was trying to disrupt the forum on purpose, which is just not true!! You see when the so called Trolls would come out and hammer on me she figured that is what I wanted so she banned me instead of the ones that were stirring up the mess. So in all actuallity the ignorant behavier has only been encouraged by the higher ups on this forum and the real people that needed to be banned have continued to to disrupt and people who are not affraid to add accountability to this forum and use their real names are the only ones beinging punished, whether it is by being banned or by the forum they used to enjoy so much being ruined by a few trolls.

Re: Professional Agitators

Nancy, Thank you ! You hit the nail right on the head !!!

Re: Professional Agitators

To bring it to their attention in a new post might only begin a new string of troll comments. I would just ignore it all. Too bad there isn't an ignore button like AOL has

I personally prefer gnomes over trolls, lots more fun and they're very cute.

Re: Re: Re: Professional Agitators

Jack, this is Jill's forum and if she wants to ban you for 10 years then that's her perrogative. She doesn't have to defend her position to you or anyone else. It's her forum, get it. If you are unhappy about the way you are treated on HER forum, then go to the Woodhaven forum, I am sure they would just love to have you join

In fact, my message is directed at anyone who complains and whines about this forum. It is Jill's forum and she gets to decide what she will or won't tolerate. and if you don't like it, well too bad.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Professional Agitators

Such negativity and so unnecessary.
I don't see any one asking Jill to explain a thing?
"this is Jill's forum " Yeppers it sure is but it still should be run fair.
Jack was making a statement of his own beliefs.
ISP's change most every day this is not in any stretch of the imagination a reliable way to track any post.
This type of response IMO is like a grade schooler saying .....nah nah na na na.
You must be one of the handful with the bad attitude.
Now let's all watch this get will be shortly.

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Replying to:

Jack, this is Jill's forum and if she wants to ban you for 10 years then that's her perrogative. She doesn't have to defend her position to you or anyone else. It's her forum, get it. If you are unhappy about the way you are treated on HER forum, then go to the Woodhaven forum, I am sure they would just love to have you join

In fact, my message is directed at anyone who complains and whines about this forum. It is Jill's forum and she gets to decide what she will or won't tolerate. and if you don't like it, well too bad.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Professional Agitators

It's a power and control trip...period!!!!

I know for a fact that most ALL the people posting have a false name and email so they can post on this forum and ask questions they are afraid to ask using their real names.

Joy to the world...sneaky little devil

Re: Re: Professional Agitators

Nancy is right on and she made her point in a well mannered well meaning way.
I also understand jacks point of view. We may not like some of his views but over all he is here to discuss real issues and doesnt hide behind phoney names.
I DO kinda mind the whole "go to woodhaven, they would be happy to have you" remark.
LOTS of us belong to that forum and love the atmosphere and have many times asked others who might have something neg to say about this one to keep it to themselves. I dont understand why there has to be any rivalry type attitude about forums who only try to be places for us to all learn and communicate. BOTH have much to offer....merely different environments.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Professional Agitators

It's people like you that truly try to agitate.
Jill has a hard enough job as a moderator than have to try to play baby sitter to people that are rude and just love to stir up trouble.
I say, ban whoever you want Jill and if they don't like it they can go elsewhere.

If everyone would just post a one or two word phrase to every distasteful and mean post and not encourage these people they would go away.

OK, how about we use "Yeah, whatever"
Soon they would get the idea....

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Professional Agitators

I prefer this forum rather than woodhaven. Here you have a choice to use your name or not.
If we choose to be anonymouse is it really a crime?
I'm a member of woodhaven and IMO it's cultish and immature that's a turn off to me. JMO

Re: Re: Re: Professional Agitators

I think all of us should stop this thread now. We all pretty much agree and can ignore the poop heads.
There will always be differences in other areas.

Enuff said

Re: Professional Agitators

someone once told me if you don't want your buttons pushed keep your pannel closed!

Re: Professional Agitators

Actually Jack you didn't miss anything. There was still hot threads whether you were on here or not.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Professional Agitators

C' Mon....

Re: Re: Re: Re: Professional Agitators

I agree 100% that this is her forum and I don't think I was trying to tell her how to run it. I was just wanting everyone to know that I was banned and I couldn't be responsible for being one of the Gnomes or trolls. Alot of people have bad opinions of me as it is and don't wish them to have any other reasons to have a dislike for me. She can ban me all she wants and I still will like this forum the best, I just wish some of you would treat it with the respect I give it. I check it all the time, when I'm not banned(LoL), when I wake and go to bed and there other unfortunate times that I seem to be on it all day. No matter what... I can say I have learn tons from the forum and I was real disappointed when I was banned.

Re: Professional Agitators

I DO kinda mind the whole "go to woodhaven, they would be happy to have you" remark.
LOTS of us belong to that forum and love the atmosphere and have many times asked others who might have something neg to say about this one to keep it to themselves. I dont understand why there has to be any rivalry type attitude about forums who only try to be places for us to all learn and communicate. BOTH have much to offer....merely different environments.



You will have the bad apples in any group.

MOVE ON................

IMO this post was a waste of time. People will do what they want to do to float their boat.

Re: Re: Professional Agitators

I love both forum. Both full of good Labrador brags, health issues, funny things, which we all need. Wonderful pictures. Both are good. This one will be better when, a couple that keep trying to get the last word in, grow up. So childlike ! I think I learn the most, keeping my mouth shut. How can you hear the really good stuff ? You shut down the breeders that could really be helping us all. My two cents.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Professional Agitators

You say you are a member of another forum, but you think it is cultish immature and annoying to you? So why punish yourself?
Also - why not stand up and put your real name out there if that is what you believe?
Just another troll lurking & adding only negativity.

Re: Re: Re: Professional Agitators

Yup yup:)
And some of us who really need to learn really dont care much about politics of things, or who is who in the lab community as long as people are willing to share.
I still have so much learning to do and really count on these forums for help.
ALL forums have this nonsense going on be they dogs or paper airplanes. Those of us who have been around forums since back in the "newsgroup" days are pretty adept at spotting and avoiding trolls, or those who just enjoy the sport of agitating. I know we have gone over teh whole including your name thing to death, but I really think that has so much to do with if I disagree with something or find something outrageous, the first thing I do is look for the name, if it isnt there I just ignore and move on.

Re: Professional Agitators

What ridiculous comments about another list. If you don't like it then don't go there, how does that sound? But the same people that knock it are guests viewing each post daily.

Gee, how catty and ridiculous can the couple of trolls get? (Of course most of us know who they are.) It sounds like jealousy once again, either on the web or at shows. And by the way Woodhaven is done by registration (not invitation.) Pot stirrers are not knowingly accepted by the hosting party but all are welcome as far as I know. If they do stir the pot they're asked to leave so the fun of it is not runied which happens here often enough. Rare that happens from what I have seen on Woodhaven.

Be thankful to have all of these different types of lists for your questions and input, now please get off your pitty pot and live life to it's fullest with our wonderful breed of dogs we all have in common.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Professional Agitators

Rather than cultish and immature, I would call the woodhaven forum informative and pleasant. There is often quite intelligent conversation from which I have taken valuable knowledge. One does not have to be afraid to post using their real name because the type of behavior that plagues this forum does not exist there.

Everyone in my cult better be wearing red t-shirts tomorrow

Or the mother ship won't be taking you with us.

Re: Everyone in my cult better be wearing red t-shirts tomorrow


Red it is to match the KoolAid you will be serving, I hope

Of course. nm


Re: Everyone in my cult better be wearing red t-shirts tomorrow

Cool, beam me up Scotty! I will bring the quarters! LMAO!