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amounts to feed growing puppies?

I use Purina Proplan puppy for my litters. On average, how much per puppy are you guys feeding your 5 week old? 6 week old? 7 week old? puppies?

Re: amounts to feed growing puppies?

They leave here on 2/3 - 1 cup three times a day. When in the whelping box, I feed them enough so there is leftover when all the pups are done. Then mom cleans up.

Re: Re: amounts to feed growing puppies?

Whatever they finish is what I give. It takes a little adjustng to figure it out with each litter

Re: Re: Re: amounts to feed growing puppies?

i tell my custermers 1 cup 3x a day, 6 months 2 cups 2x a day, switch to adult at 8 months unless they are not holding weight, then stay on puppy!!

Re: Re: Re: Re: amounts to feed growing puppies?

Wow you guys feed a lot more than I do! My pups go home at 8 weeks on one cup twice a day. I don't like to see fat puppies or swollen bellies--I keep them lean and increase as they hit growth spurts.


Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: amounts to feed growing puppies?

that is not enough food for growing pups, way to little. i've been breeding for 15yrs,never fed that little????

Re: amounts to feed growing puppies?

It doesn't sound like too little to me. My pups eat 1/4 cup three times a day by six weeks and by the time they leave here they are eating 1/2 cup three times a day. They are usually quite chubby on that amount.

Maybe it depends on the kind of food you are feeding... we are feeding Innova.

Re: Re: amounts to feed growing puppies?

no i don't think so, i feed 1 cup three times a day also!!!!!!!!

Re: amounts to feed growing puppies?

I also feed 3/4 - 1 cup, 3 x day when puppies go home. I've fed ProPlan, Biljac and Canidae, all pretty much the same amounts.

Re: amounts to feed growing puppies?

Hmmm... must just be different lines then. There is no way my puppies could even eat 3 cups of food per day at 8-9 weeks old. 1 1/2 cups per day is max, even if they are free fed.

Re: Re: amounts to feed growing puppies?

Yes, three cups a day in my pups at 8 weeks and they would look like bloated pigs. I am sure there are differences in foods, blooodlines, etc. That's why one must be careful handing out advice on such things--all dogs are different, even within the same breed.


Re: amounts to feed growing puppies?

I feed ProPlan Large Breed Puppy, which I feed until between 14-18 months of age, 1 cup three times a day until around 6 months, then 1 1/2 to 2 cups twice a day after that with adjustments up and down for how the puppy is looking and their level of exercise. I supplement all my dogs, from the getgo, with Missing Link, glycoflex, yogurt and a sprinkling of frozen bil-jac. I admit they also get table scraps, whatever I eat, they get a taste!

I keep my puppies at Purina weight scale between 4 and 5 - which is described as follows:

4 - UNDERWEIGHT: Ribs easily palpable, with minimal fat covering. Waist easily noted, viewed form above. Abdominal tuck evident

5 - IDEAL - Ribs palpable without excess fat covering. Waist observed behind ribs when viewed from above. Abdomen tucked when viewed from the

I like thin puppies while they are growing and I like to keep my puppies pretty active. When they are more mature or are out showing they can put on a little weight for a while but I always take off any show weight they might have put on.
