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chew resistant beds/crate pads

Any good opinions on chew resistant crate pads or dog beds. My boys are good when in the house, but when I leave them, I am afraid that if I put a crate pad in with them they may eat it and obstruct when I cannot watch them. However, the elbows on the big boy are getting rough and I would love to give him a more comfy room. Any suggestions on beds that are less likely to be chewed? I think they find great pleasure playing in that sea of stuffing or foam.

Re: chew resistant beds/crate pads

If you don't need to crate them, mine love the Kuranda beds and they are chew proof, or at least for my guys they are.

Re: chew resistant beds/crate pads

I would also attest to the Kuranda beds.

I have two of them...I love them. They're on my
enclosed back porch, the big outdoor dog house around here.....and out of 5 dogs around here, including
service pups in training...these haven't yet been
destroyed........This is over a three year period.

Kuranda beds are awesome...I am about to open a new
kennel room for my dogs....would also put a few in

Jane Harford

Re: chew resistant beds/crate pads

If you use a wire crate, you can get a Kuranda bed to fit - just check out their website for sizes intended to fit inside the crates.

Re: chew resistant beds/crate pads

LOL.... There are none that I have found yet!. If your dog wants to chew, he will. Ive heard of dogs chewing up the crate! Try putting a kong or bone stuffed with peanutbutter to keep them occupied.It's a boredom thing.


I have been looking at Kuranda beds for my girls..

They like to pair up,, is the large size big enough, will it handle the weight for two hefty labs.

thanks Jo

Re: durablity

From our experience, they are not good for the younger ones as they will destroy them. I have the evidence!!! But are wonderful for the adults. Get the strongest mat they have - they are well worth it.

Re: chew resistant beds/crate pads

Yes, 2 Labs can sleep on one of these beds. The long sides have a metal rod inside the PVC pipe. You can also buy an all-metal frame now - I haven't tried these yet, though. I'm sure a youngster couldn't destroy one of those - might have to buy one next time!

Re: durablity

I always have 2 labbies pairing up on the large kuranda bed in our bedroom. They adore that bed. I put a fleece blanket on it and they cuddle up. I also have them in the kennel runs...inside of course. I can't say they are indestructable however. I have one girl that chewed the feet and then got hold of the vinal side and rippped it off the fabric. I took the bed apart and sewed it back on. It lasted another good year until she got bored again and I just threw it out. I still have the bed inside that they never chew. I will buy more as they seem to respect them better as they get older.

Re: Re: chew resistant beds/crate pads

Oh wow...I'll be looking for the metal framed Kuranda beds!!!