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puppy with toes turned?

Anyone have any experience with a young pup (about 4 weeks) that has twisted looking toes? It's almost a splayed look but they all go in the same direction, towards the inside.
It's almost as if the pup is standing on it's outside toe instead of flat foot contact with the ground.
It's only one front foot - everything else is perfect so far. Of course

Re: puppy with toes turned?

"Flipper" feet seem to pop up in certain lines.

Re: Re: puppy with toes turned?

will it get less noticable as the puppy grows (I hope so!)?

I have had these lines for a few generations and never seen this before

Re: puppy with toes turned?

I've had a chance to see three, all bitches, none improved with age.

Re: puppy with toes turned?

I have a litter right now with toes just as you are discribing & would love to trade pictures with you. I have had this before but much worse and in a totally different line! The feet did get better with age but not lot's better! I am ready to pull my hair out on this one - I really wanted to keep a puppy from this litter - with these feet i do not think that I will.

Re: Re: puppy with toes turned?

I have a 10 year old dog with toes as you described and he's had them ever since I bought him as an 8 week old puppy. We assumed they'd correct - they didn't! He'll swim but doesn't like to and the hunt trainer sent him home because of it. We believe that swimming hurts his feet because of the "bent" toes. He walks, trots and runs without problems though.
I would not ever keep another "bent" toed dog unless I just wanted a nice pet.

Re: Re: Re: puppy with toes turned?

I have never seen or heard this before. Can someone put a picture up on the forum. And if you all exchange pictures or talk I would be interested if it is the same lines. Don't want you to tell us. That would not be appropriate. Just would hate to think something else is out there for us to be concerned about when breeding and selecting our stud dogs.

Re: Re: Re: Re: puppy with toes turned?

I posted as breeder as I do not think it is fair to stud owners or the wonderful breeders that my Dams came from to post the info about what lines these pups came from. What I will tell you is that I have had this happen twice in two different litters from two completely different lines. Both breedings were outcrosses to two totally different lines so that puts lot's of questions as to how this shows up out there.Two different Mothers and two different Fathers........go figure ----- my rotten luck??? These puppies are otherwise really beautiful! I emailed the stud owner of the current litter pictures of their feet just so she could see them but I do not care for the blame it on the stud attitude it takes two to tango. I will use that stud again - I want one of his puppies - I just feel it is a shame that it will not be from this Mother as she my favorite.

Re: puppy with toes turned?

I had a bitch puppy once with one toe (the innermost one) turned inward, on her left front foot. It never changed. We even xrayed it and it was just slightly twisted inward, and the vet could offer no explaination, other than possibly it happened in utero, as she was born with it. Most judges and other people never even noticed it. She is almost 12 now and still has that same toe turned inward! Sorry wish I could offer something different, but: if that's the worst thing that happens to your bitch, be happy. There are so many other things that can happen...

Re: Re: puppy with toes turned?

Like I said, I don't want you to name, names, but you answered by saying actually 4 different lines. That makes it even stranger to me. Is it really that noticeable on the pups ?

Re: Re: Re: puppy with toes turned?

yes - it is very noticible the toes are flopped sideways and turned in - last time it did get somewhat better with age - this litter they are no as bad to begin with but are definately not keepers for me. Someone called them flipper feet - thats a good name for them.

Re: puppy with toes turned?

I had a puppy with turned in toes ....I sold her as a pet......I received a picture of her a year later....her toes look fine. If you would like to see the pictures please email me.

Re: puppy with toes turned?

Don't give up on the pup yet. Keep those toenails short so they don't add to the issue. This could correct, and if you love everything else about this pup at 8 weeks, run the pup on and see what happens.

Re: puppy with toes turned?

My veterinarian called these hammer toes. This did not improve with age but this puppy was an excellent swimmer and a BOS sweeps winner....shown outside in grass
I never had this before or after in any puppies born here.

Re: Re: puppy with toes turned?

Thanks for all the great advice. I too will not mention the bloodlines, I really don't think it's got anything to do with that.

I am going to keep the pup and see what becomes of the foot!

Showing in the grass is a GREAT idea!! I had already thought of that myself LOL!!!