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Hormone Supplements to hold pregnancy

I was wondering if any one could give me some input on my bitch's problem.
I have a lovely bitch almost 4 yrs old whom I've had problems getting pregnant.

First Breeding with her was shipped / AI 'd - we did progesterone testing aswel
Day 8 of cycle she was 2.2 (Canadian #'s) (3.8 us #'s) this being very low - we did anther
Day 12 of cycle and she was 29.0 (can #'s) (8.5 us #'s) we bred her (AI) and had no
pregnancy. She spiked so high we just thought we missed her....

Second Breeding: (Brucella Negitive & Mycoplasma Negitive ) we started progesterone tested on Day 9 of her cycle and she was 0.64 (can) (.9 us) Knowing that we missed her last time because she spiked so fast we started breeding her on Day 12 & 14 (AI'd chilled Shipments) Day 14 we did another progesterone test and she was pass ovulation at 28.4 (can) (8.0 us) AGAIN no pregnancy - yes shipment was checked and all swimmers where swimming!

Third Breeding: We decided to do a Natural breeding this time - the boy was not able to mount her (unknown as to why) as hes well experienced - so we did fresh collections.
bred her Day 9,10 and 11 Progesterone tested her Day 12 - and she was 18.6 (can) (5.5 us) so well with-in range so we bred her one more time Day 13.
on Day 28-32 into the pregnancy we did an Ultra Sound and we could see 2 pups -
so we waited another 9 days did another Ultra Sound and the pregnancy was GONE!

Broken hearted with another miss I started calling for a Repo Specialist and was able to speak to one on the phone (this specialist is no where near me) - they think her hormones are not staying at the level where her body could carry the pregnancy. So we should be looking into some hormone supplements with her. The Repo Specialist that I spoke with is not able to help me due to the distance between us. Here in Canada we only have two Repo Specialist that I've been able to find and the closest one to me is not taking any client till the fall. My girl is do in again in Aug so thats not going to work for me!
My questions are has any one experience anything like this before and have you used hormone supplements and with what results? When should we even be supplementing her in her cycle or should it even be before she starts her cycle? These questions where unknown by my regular vet - so we are both trying to gather enough information so I can make a decision - do I breed her again or not! Breaks my heart to know this may be the case and that she may never give me any offspring!

Any input would help and be much appreciated....

Re: Hormone Supplements to hold pregnancy

Have you checked her thyroid?

Re: Re: Hormone Supplements to hold pregnancy

With her first breeding well over 18 mths ago - we had full blood work done on her and everything was normal. Alot of you are saying thyroid - so I think today I will have another full blood work done on her.... JJ

Re: Hormone Supplements to hold pregnancy

I can't help you with the hormone question as i've never had to use it but sometimes there is a reason a bitch can't have puppies that the good Lord is trying to tell us by these bitche's not being able to hold a pregnancy. I know it's hard when you have a bitch you love that you deperately want pups from but sometimes you just have to let it go. I'm talking from experience here with a couple of dogs that couldn't get pg on their own so we used drugs to bring them in an get them pregnant and all I can tell you is it was disaster litters and I wish I hadn't bred them, won't be doing that again, if the bitch can't get pg on her own and hold that litter then it's time to say it wasn't meant to be.

Re: Hormone Supplements to hold pregnancy

Also, our vet says that thyroid should not be within the "low normal range" for a breeding bitch -- needs to be higher in the normal range.

Re: Hormone Supplements to hold pregnancy

I also had a problem getting my 4 year old bitch pregnant. We did two transcervical inseminations and about 5 progesterone tests and still missed. On her last season we did a surgical implant. When the repro. vet did the implant she found a large uterine cyst. The cyst was blocking the entrance from the cervix to the uterus. She drained the cyst and implanted semen. She is now pregnant. She said uterine cysts are common in labradors and goldens over age 4 and are a frequent reason they do not become pregnant. Good Luck with your girl. I hope it will work out.

Re: Hormone Supplements to hold pregnancy

Dr Hutch says (at his seminars) tyroid has nothing to do with misses.