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PRA information and or website

A friend of mine has a 6 year old female just diagnosed with PRA and I told her I would provide as much info as I could from asking the Forum...The female is much loved and they want to give her the best......

Re: PRA information and or website

If you google PRA +canine 120 000 hits will come up with all kinds of information to fwd to your friends.

Re: PRA information and or website

There is a yahoo group for the owners of blind dogs. It was very helpful to me.

There is also a very good book called Living with Blind Dogs.

Re: PRA information and or website

So sorry to hear this Leeda.

We have a PRA girl and one of the things she lives for are her stuffed squeeky toys that she sucks on for hours like a pacifier.

We also find it is hard to get her moving on her own but as soon as we put a leash on her she has tons of confidence and will walk anywhere we want her to.

Good luck to your friend. It is so heart breaking but they can live good happy lives.

Re: Re: PRA information and or website

That is funny. My girl that is 11 years old now and purchased elsewhere, does the same thing with her hedgehogs. Can't even guess how many I have bought for her over the years. We call them her Mama's..But she goes everywhere. Never put a lead on her. She runs in the front yard, careful with steps, looks up to listen for you when she is out. Goes out with the other dogs but sure is not afraid to venture out alone. Of course, she is not alone, always have an eye on her. They do learn to listen and smell more to get her around. The best thing for her is her personality has always been very up and happy. Still is.