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Primary Immune Defeciency Syndrome

I had a 16 week old pupply become sick and die after its last pupply shot. The puppy became sick about 8 hours after the shot and had a clean bill of health up to this point. They vet said the dog had pnemonia and kidney failure before the dog died. The autopsy showed four viruses or bacteria in the dog. Parvo, distemper, pneumonia and a liver infection. They are diagnosing this as Primary Immune Deficiency Syndrome. I have never heard of this and am just trying to get some answers for myself and my breeder. Any thoughts would be great. If this is the correct diagnosis is this genetic. How does it get passed on, etc.?

Re: Primary Immune Defeciency Syndrome

I have no answers for you but my heart goes out to you and your sweet puppy.

Re: Primary Immune Defeciency Syndrome

I'm so sorry for the loss of your puppy. I can't imagine how horrible this must be for you.

Do a Google search for Jean Dodds, DVM and review her studies/recommendations re vaccination protocols for dogs and cats. There are some articles that address side effects and suggestions for siblings of dogs/cats with adverse reactions to immunization.

Re: Primary Immune Defeciency Syndrome

I had that years ago but my puppy ended up with mengitis, which happened right after the shots.
My vet at the time called the vacine co., gave them the #'s on the vacines that he had given and the vacine Co. stated that they had a problem with that # in Calf.. They later denied it and we didn't pursue it because we weren't about to fight with this large
Co.. Maybe check with the Co. that made the vacines to see if there is a problem with that lot?

Re: Primary Immune Defeciency Syndrome

DEFINITELY get the vaccine company/lot # and be sure that this gets reported. Your vet is obligated to report any vaccine reactions to the producing company.

If you have the name of the vaccine and its lot #, please share it on here or email me privately. I am also presently dealing with a similar situation in which an 8-week old puppy developed encephalitis and nearly died about 8-10 days after receiving his FIRST puppy shot. He, too, had received a clean bill of health from his new owner's vet at 8 weeks of age; three days later he was fighting for his life!

I took the puppy back with me after 4 days in ICU and have been nursing him back to health. I refused to have him euthanized (which the emergency hospital was quietly suggesting) since I knew how healthy he had been just a few days earlier. It's been nearly 5 weeks now, and aside from a few coordination issues that he's dealing with, he's well on the road to a (hopefully) full recovery. His owner would still like him back, but I won't send him back until I'm confident that he won't be a burden to them. The family has been wonderful as has my vet.

We (my vet and I) have both been carefully documenting his treatment and recovery and it's been a learning experience for all involved; one, though, that I hope to NEVER have to go through again!

But, please, CONFUSED OWNER...if you have the information regarding the manufacturer of the vaccine you used AND its lot #, I'd really like to find out if it's the same one we used.

Barb Christman

Re: Primary Immune Defeciency Syndrome

I'd love to hear what vaccine you used as well as I have a puppy who reacted to her second shot - Vanguard Plus 5 CV (no Lepto). I've never had a dog react to a non-Lepto shot, though it's not as severe as what happened to you, I just wonder... Her reaction occured about 8 hours after getting the shot.

Re: Re: Primary Immune Defeciency Syndrome

Instead of worrying about the vaccine lot, maybe you should think about the dangers of polyvalent vaccines.
Sometimes if puppies are stressed or ill when vaccinated (dogs are very good at hiding illness), their immune system can not possibly surmount the challenge of four or five different viruses at once and it is very common that they succumb to the very thing we are trying to prevent.
Polyvalent vaccines are not allowed in some countries and with good reason.
Just something to think about.
I'm very sorry to hear about the loss of that sweet puppy.

Re: Primary Immune Defeciency Syndrome


I am definitely NOT trying to lay blame on the vaccine, but if it were to be discovered that several puppies in several areas had been adversely affected by the same vaccine lot, we would then have to give it serious consideration, wouldn't we? And, unless we are willing to share information with each other, things like this can happen and no one else ever knows about it except, perhaps, the vaccine company! Which, unless hundreds of dogs are affected, is unlikely to ever DO anything about it. Look how long it took for the dog food companies to issue a food many hundreds of dogs that died (and may have died prior to the recall because no one actually knew what the source of the problem was) before anyone put two and two together!

The only stress in this pup's life was the CERF exam that he had to endure right before he went to his new home; this was 4 days after he received his vaccination...major problems started another 4 days later. He had always been a mellow, loving little boy, so if there was any suppressed behavior due to the vaccine, it would have gone unnoticed due to his mellow nature.

I'm hoping that anyone who has experienced delayed vaccine reactions will contact me with their experiences. I'm learning so much from this, though I wouldn't wish it on anyone!

Re: Re: Primary Immune Defeciency Syndrome

"The only stress in this pup's life was the CERF exam that he had to endure right before he went to his new home; this was 4 days after he received his vaccination"

One important reason why puppies often succumb to vaccines...they are given during the period in which there is a change in living accomodations and often a change in diet, and this creates stress in any puppy. It says right on the label that vaccinations should not be given to a stressed or ill animal...but how are we to know that as dogs hide it so well?

You did nothing wrong but I just want to raise the issue that vaccinating for diseases like coronavirus and parainfluenza are probably not worth the risk when they are delivered in a polyvalent vaccine. Somtimes the little body is overwhelmed by five viruses entering the body through abnormal channels, not to mention the preservatives and foreign animal protein that get injected along with it. The little immature immune system has to deal with five viruses, plus a chemical spill plus foreign protein matter all at once. Even if your puppy doesn't have an acute reaction, auto-immune diseases such as allergies are certain to follow and they do with alarming regularity.

We need to vaccinate with the understanding that vaccines are not harmless and this should really make us think long and hard about how often we vaccinate, which vaccines are necessary, how many vaccines we give in each shot, and how early we do it.

Re: Re: Re: Primary Immune Defeciency Syndrome

Would hope that any of you with problems would let the rest of us know what kind you used. With the dog food scare how do we know anymore ? How safe is anything ? And it might be a batch that several purchased.