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Chinese herbs and coat

Has anyone got any experience with the effect of chinese herbs on coat? I've got a dog on them; he's blowing like mad, and has been for some time. He's blowing guard coat, not just undercoat, so I don't think it's seasonal.

Not that it matters much, he's retired now, and it's more important that he be healthy and live long and well, but I'm curious if it's the herbs or something else.

Re: Chinese herbs and coat

Well, I've got one on Chinese Herbs that is NOT blowing coat (age 5), and two that are not on any IS blowing coat like mad (age 8),seems like it constant w/her. the other(age 12) WAS blowing coat badly, but has somewhat settled down!!!

That's not to say that the herbs aren't the culprit in your case...could depend on the herbs he/she is on, or it may not be related at all to the herbs. The dogs age may play a factor in how badly it is blowing seems to me that the older mine get, the worse they blow coat....JMO.