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Puppies with diarrhea

I know this question has been asked numerous times before, but what is the best method of treatment for 10 day old puppies with diarrhea? Thanks!

Re: Puppies with diarrhea

Yogurt - or even faster is a probiotic paste like Fasttrack.

Re: Re: Puppies with diarrhea

Depends on what is causing the diarrhea. Is it coccidiosis????? or something else?????

Re: Re: Re: Puppies with diarrhea

They are too young for Coccidia, probably they are getting too full. as long as the following conditions exist:
The mom does not have a temperature and her poop is normal...
Her milk glands feel soft and normal...
they are gaining and the babies poop smells and looks normal, I would not worry.

If all the conditions are still OK in another week but the stools are still squirty, get a culture done on the moms milk just in case.

Re: Puppies with diarrhea

Make sure they are not too hot!

Re: Re: Puppies with diarrhea

Try an old time antibiotic used now for mostly swine and poultry, called Tylen powder. Give an eighth of a teaspoon in MOM'S food, one time/per day. Usually one or two doses firm up the babies stools. It taste terribel so try mixing it with a little cottage cheese or wet food. You can buy Tylen powder at most feed stores. It will not hurt mom at all. I have used it with the puppies themselves when they are older and eating solid food. Good luck!

Re: Re: Re: Puppies with diarrhea

Tylan does work...have used also, even if caused from the heat.

Re: Puppies with diarrhea

If it's too hot try cooling it down before dispensing any medication. If that doesn't work I would take stool samples in to your vet (pups not neccesary unless dehydrated) to be sure you know what you're dealing. Each issue could require a different medication.


Re: Re: Puppies with diarrhea

You might just be over feeding the mother. I don't think I would be giving much to pups that small. Try to figure out why they have it first. Just sounds like hoggies to me.