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Actually, AB 1634 *DID* pass today...

with votes of 41-38 according to what I heard.

So, it goes to the senate next...

We certainly have our work cut out for us. What a tragedy for the dog fancy and those who are in it for the "right" reasons.

Re: Actually, AB 1634 *DID* pass today...

Yup sadly, I just got this word from PetPAC at about 12:30am. What we are seeing is politics at there WORST! It really sucks that these Animal Rights group have so much money and so much influence as to try to take our rights as law abiding citizens away!

Here's what happened:

"Dear Dianne,

By a single vote, the California Assembly tonight passed AB 1634, a measure to require the forced sterilization of all dogs and cats in California. The final vote was 41-38.

However, the fight has just begun. Now more than ever we need your financial help.

We faced an uphill battle to defeat this anti-pet measure in the Assembly – our opponents paid numerous professional public relation and lobbying firms to bombard Legislators with false and misleading information about AB 1634.

But PetPAC members fought back. They lobbied their Representatives, contacted the media, contributed to PetPAC, and worked very, very hard. Many Legislators quoted directly from PetPAC materials when they rose to argue against AB 1634 on the Assembly Floor.

Only with your help can we build a united, well-funded campaign to fight our deep-pocket opponents and defeat the measure when it is heard in the State Senate.

Please contribute today to PetPAC’s “No on AB 1634” campaign.

Working together we can defeat AB 1634 and stop this inhumane measure from becoming law in California. Thank you for your support."

I am urging everyone who has a litter of puppies or through a sale of a dog, to PLEASE contribute as much as they can afford. Sadly it is going to take dollars to match those of the Animal Rights groups.

Please go to to find ways you can support the opposition.

It just doesn't seem fair


Re: Re: Actually, AB 1634 *DID* pass today...

I am confused. In a post from yesterday it said that the bill did not pass?

Re: Re: Re: Actually, AB 1634 *DID* pass today...

I got an Email from the PAC group working on defeating this bill stating that the AB 1634 did pass by one vote.

Re: Actually, AB 1634 *DID* pass today...

Debi wrote:"I am confused. In a post from yesterday it said that the bill did not pass?"

Yes it was all confusing yesterday. I got a post on one of my showdog lists that stated it did not pass. I believe that the poster meant at that point in the day it did not have enough votes to pass if presented for a vote at that particular time. There were 8 assembly members who abstained from voting that were listed in that post and it was urged for people to call and tell them if the bill was presented later to vote NO or continue to abstain (I know I called all of them). They had many bills to vote on yesterday and I believe that the session ended late last night. Through what ever promises Levine made to his fellow assembly (see a further post in that thread), he was able to get the ONE-*READ ONE* friggen vote needed to pass this horrendous bill out of the assembly.

This whole thing is very disheartening to all of those breeders who fought so hard to stop this from going through. On to the Senate where we must fight even harder. If you all thought that this hideous bill would not go through and sat around and did NOTHING, WAKE UP PEOPLE!!! The Animal Rights people are cramming this down our throats and we ALL need to take a stand!


Re: Actually, AB 1634 *DID* pass today...

Dianne, you are right people need to wake up! If people spent as much energy fighting these laws as they did moaning on here about other people's dogs, wins, and animal husbandry practices, we could get a lot more accomplished. The trolls are in just as much danger of losing their dogs and hobby as the big breeders.

Re: Re: Actually, AB 1634 *DID* pass today...

I agree. If everyone who finds something to knit pick about out here...why not turn that knit picking energy into something worth while. CA is a long way from me in MO but if this passes the senate, we are all screwed (sorry). Who says other states won't look at this down the road and say hey it worked for CA why not try it here.

Trolls hahahaha!!