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One tooth in front causing 'off'' bite

From never having this for years I seem to be having a rash of it lately... One tooth on front (top) is sitting behind the bottom teeth. The true bite (ie occulusion) is perfect, it is like the tooth was 'caught' behind when growing in an was pushed back.

Any thoughts? Suggestions?

Of couse these two puppies are very nice and it is such a pitty in the grand scheme of all the hoops the dogs have to jump through to make it in a program....

Re: One tooth in front causing 'off'' bite

I have had this in a Lab also. It is known as an anterior crossbite and may or may not be inherited. Dental experts seem divided on whether it is inherited but it can also be caused by trauma to the mouth such as playing tug of war games with toys etc.
I wouldn't be too worried about it- unless of course it keeps occuring in your lines.

Re: One tooth in front causing 'off'' bite

You didn't mention the age of the puppy nor if all the permanent teeth are in. I would pull the offending tooth.

Re: One tooth in front causing 'off'' bite

It is a permanent front top tooth, so I can't pull it and have him still showable could I?

Re: Re: One tooth in front causing 'off'' bite

If he were mine I'd take him to the doggie orthodontist. Depending on where you live, there are some excellent ones.

Re: Re: Re: One tooth in front causing 'off'' bite

If I were you, I wouldn't be advertising that you would do that and then intend to show the dog since it's clearly against AKC regulations

Re: Re: Re: Re: One tooth in front causing 'off'' bite

Whoa!!!! Don't be in such a rush to judgement. Who said anything about breaking AKC rules????

Have you ever been to a doggie orthodontist??? They can access whether the tooth is askew because of a problem with the jaw or if the mis-alignment has been caused by play, etc. Canine dentistry is a growing field because dogs do have dental problems that cause discomfort, eating problems, etc.

Re: One tooth in front causing 'off'' bite

I own a bitch with the exact thing you have described. I've always referred to it as a trapped tooth, it's as if the tooth just came in at the wrong time and got pushed behind the other teeth, the bite is fine. My bitch finished without a problem and her get all have normal teeth/bites. In the grand scheme it's a minor flaw.

Re: Re: One tooth in front causing 'off'' bite

Give your puppy a large uncooked knuckle bone everyday, it has to be big enough to hold in his mouth and for him to really chew and carry. I have found this works for all kinds of bite issues as long as the dog is still growing. Hope it works for you!

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Replying to:

I own a bitch with the exact thing you have described. I've always referred to it as a trapped tooth, it's as if the tooth just came in at the wrong time and got pushed behind the other teeth, the bite is fine. My bitch finished without a problem and her get all have normal teeth/bites. In the grand scheme it's a minor flaw.