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Built the second PVC play pen, not quite as easy as the first but it sure is nice! As I was building it I got the "brain storm" of making a "pup hut", I built a small frame out of PVC and plan to put duck canvus over it, they sell the waterproof stuff...I haven't picked that up yet but I'll let all know how it works, I'll prob need a gromet tool and zip strips to fasten securely. If anyone else knows of a waterproof material would you let me know? Oh, and the canvas could work as tops for the playpens too! just thought of that. If you build these play pens make sure you get the PVC pipe cutters, I din't use on the first one but I did on this much easier.


They look like a great idea. How expensive are they to make?

Re: Re: PVC Play pen/ THANKS AGAIN PHIL!!!

I bought all kinds of extras so I'll have to break it down.

Re: Re: Re: PVC Play pen/ THANKS AGAIN PHIL!!!

Just a "ruff" ( couldn't resist!) idea would be good. They look like a great thing to have.

Re: Re: Re: Re: PVC Play pen/ THANKS AGAIN PHIL!!!

I spent $100 and have built 2 of the wire ones and 1 of the railed one and have LOTS left over. I'd say way under $20 for the wire one and under $40 for the rail one. I made the 2ND wire one much taller so it was more $$. I have to admit I like the wire one using the hardware cloth, I don't have pups right now so I just took it apart, rolled up the wire and slipped the rails thru the center and pinned the elbows and T's by a safety pin to the cloth (just put them in a ziplock storage bag. I don't know if the pups will climb the cloth yet and I have thought of that but it is a material I had handi.


As far as the canvas goes check with your local uphostery shop for a fabric called Sunbrella.

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Built the second PVC play pen, not quite as easy as the first but it sure is nice! As I was building it I got the "brain storm" of making a "pup hut", I built a small frame out of PVC and plan to put duck canvus over it, they sell the waterproof stuff...I haven't picked that up yet but I'll let all know how it works, I'll prob need a gromet tool and zip strips to fasten securely. If anyone else knows of a waterproof material would you let me know? Oh, and the canvas could work as tops for the playpens too! just thought of that. If you build these play pens make sure you get the PVC pipe cutters, I din't use on the first one but I did on this much easier.

Re: Re: PVC Play pen/ THANKS AGAIN PHIL!!!

Thanks, I will. I bet it's prettier than duck canvAs. (See I spelled it wrong. I write like I talk. )