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New Laws

As these new restrictive laws are introduced and seeing success in more and more places, I begin to wonder what I would do if faced with these laws in my home town.

Frankly, I would probably become a criminal. I wouldn't license or register my dogs. I would go underground to sell my puppies. I'd probably take all of the details out of my web page.

These laws are written so that NOBODY could possibly follow them to the letter. The animal rights activists want it that way so that they can attack anyone they want, whenever they want.

Then I would look up all of my local animal rights activists, politicians that voted for the laws, and any other public figures that might generate press - celebrities, reporters, judges, lawyers, etc. I'd investigate them privately and report the smallest infractions. I'd swamp the animal control enforcers with nuisance complaints. I'd put up a web page that has lots of pictures of violations.

Re: New Laws

We understand your frustration but to do all what you are suggesting would be taking on a full time job. I would also continue on with my breeding program but would not let these idiots rob me and my dogs of our daily time together. No, they would not get one more minute of my attention than nec.

Re: New Laws

As a student of sociology, I've learned that the phenomenon of which you are speaking is very real in this country. A deviant is defined in many ways, one being through law, of course. Once an individual is labeled as deviant/criminal, it sets a number of problematic behaviors in motion. Think about prohibition, for instance. Once an activity is deemed illegal, those who choose to continue performing that activity are forced to compromise other behaviors in order to continue the now illegal behavior.

I personally wonder if those pushing these new laws are ready and willing to deal with the consequences of creating new criminals. We hear of the need for government cutbacks all the time, so why introduce laws that will create the need for more government enforcement and therefore more government funding? It seems to me that if funds are available, they should be used to prevent or control things that are real problems, not things pushed into the limelight by extremist groups.

*Jumping off my soapbox for now*
BTW, I'd likely right there with you, a newly created criminal.

Re: Re: New Laws

Another criminal here too.

Re: New Laws

Yup count me in with those bad dog breeder group of criminals too! May have to built an underground vault to house my dogs in for when the Gonad police come 'round to see that my old retired pets are fixed. The rest of the illegal dogliens will be stashed out of reach!

Geez this is so ridiculous!!! Who would have thought that our rights to choice, freedom, life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness would come down to criminalizing the one thing we love most? Very sad day in America!

My county has had Hobby Breeder permits for years though. They are very lax about it now. One stipulation states that in advertising a litter of puppies or kittens that are more than $50 you must include your permit number. The local newspaper also states that in the ad section and I looked at it last night and there were NO ads for puppies or kittens, even free ones. However when this ordinance first went through, there were several high profile offenders that were made very public to show the residents what would happen if they did not comply. One was a very successful show kennel of Min Pins the other was just a private citizen that had two AKC Huskies they bred without having a permit. The fines were huge. The Min Pin breeder had to place many dogs! The Animal Control was also threatneing to impound the Huskies too. It was really bad.

However, the Animal Control in my county does still come out for yearly inspections to my house IF they have enough people to do so. I cannot imagine the new burden, new expenses, and extra man power it will take to enforce this stupid new law IF it were to go through!

Re: Re: New Laws

I don't know how many of you live in Ca. but
to us, this can be devistating! Also, other
states that are passing the very same laws.

They are trying to elimate dog breeding,
dog shows and in general elimate the dog
and cat population as we know it!

How many of us need our animals? I mean
really need them??? Many of us would not
be here without them:)))

I for one would rather live in a tent with
my dogs than to comply with this!

The Hyspires have already got the msg.They
are gone:))

Re: Re: New Laws

Excellent post and I agree completely-add another name the to "critter underground"!

Re: New Laws

This thread is an excellent example of the necessity of posting anonomously (as much as one can anyway). Up until last year I faithfully paid licensing fees for two of our dogs. When Animal Control wanted to charge me $50 to license my intact pup is when I started to question the whole process. As I learned here, I wanted to wait until he was two before neutering and I thought it ridiculous and unfair that they charge so much, so I didn't license him. When the renewals came for our 15 and 16 year old girls decided not to renew their licenses either. I also run my younger pup off leash with other folks at a park in the early morning. This too is against the law. It is civilized and fun for everyone. In many ways we are the peacekeepers of the park as we see human behaviors that need to be reported to the police and we probably deter bad human behavior by our presence. I guess I am a criminal. Oh well. I don't think that these agencies have the money or man power to pursue folks like me. I absolve myself by making tax deductable donations to folks who rescue animals and by bringing old textiles to animal shelters. I sleep okay at night.

Re: Re: New Laws

This is really scary. I too will not license my dogs to avoid the canine cops. One thing that worries me a lot is rabies. If I go to a free rabies clinic, the canine cops will know of my dog. Can I get the vaccine from my vet? Well, yes, but is my vet required to report the vaccination? In states where reporing rabies vaccination is required by law, will dogs be unvaccinated to avoid detection? If yes, this is not a good thing.

Re: Re: Re: New Laws

Ca. law states that only a licensed veterinarian
can give Rabies vaccines. You cannot purchase it.

Very few clinics and hospitals have send their

Rabies to animal control. However, that may
change, I don't know. Just find out which ones

I think there will be a lot of dogs running
around that won't be Vaccinated for Rabies and
if they bite someone will have to be Euthanized.

Re: New Laws

To get around the rabies thing, you could get the shot in a different state.

Re: New Laws

It is already the law in my Calif county that the vet must turn in rabies vaccination info to Animal Control. I have often thought about slipping over to the next county for our rabies shots and giving them a bogus address. I guess it won't be too much more difficult to drive to Oregon. We''ll call it a vacation!