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i need some suggestions,how you people give deworming tablets to your dogs.I feel very difficult as they resist.I mean to say what is the best way.

Re: deworming

IF you are speaking of puppies, use Nemex 2 and if you are talking about adult dogs, try Pancur Paste which you can order on line at pet stores or at your local Feed and Supply stores. There is also Safeguard wormer which is liquid found at feed and supply stores and on line stores. I never use tablets. Use a syringe to squirt the liquid wormer in your dog's mouth then hold your dog's muzzle closed until they swallow it.

Some dogs are getting resistant to the Nemex 2 wormer, including my own dogs so when the pups are 3 to 4 months old, I give them a little Pancur paste per directions on the tube or bottle.

Re: deworming

We have been using safegaurd/panacur liquid (100mg/mL) at 1cc/5lbs body weight. What dosage rate do you use for the paste? That would be easier, the liquid ends up all over me, the dogs and kennel....

Re: deworming

I also use the liquid panacur.

I find I can get it down the pups, the adults hate though!!
So, a little trick i've learned is to use hot dog buns,,they soak up the panacur and I throw the bun in with the food..some will figure it out and open the bun,,i cover it with something good and they usually eat it right up.

Darn sure easier than wrestling between your legs against the wall to get it down

Re: deworming

thanks everyone for your experiences,i will do it in the same manner.