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Leasing a girl for the first time

I am leasing for the first time a girl to breed this fall/winter. I know the great thing about leases is that you can do anything you want between you and the owner... but I was looking for some past experiences from others on what their lease contracts were. Did you split all expenses and profits 50/50, did you just give the owner price for 1, 2, 3.... pups, did they pay the stud fee. I am very excited and of course will get everything in writing but we want to be fair to eachother TIA

Re: Leasing a girl for the first time

What does that mean "Leasing a girl" ???? someone would give you one of their dogs to use for a price?

Re: Leasing a girl for the first time

Yes its like a temporary co-ownership (or at least that is how we fill out the lease). Its handy when you have a nice boy you cant use on your own girls, or when you want to add soemthing to your kennel but you want to breed it yourself. Personally I am doing it for several reasons.

Re: Leasing a girl for the first time

In our experience a breeder leases you a bitch to breed and whelp. Once pups are all placed bitch usually goes back to breeder unless other arrangements are made.

Cost of leasing, breeding, whelp, etc. are decided on between the parties.