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Specialty Results and Spotlights

I was just updating the Specialty Results page with some new pictures, and began wondering about how I can make the page into a printer friendly version. It would be nice to be able to download and/or print it out at the end of the year, making it a nice way to look back at an entire year of Specialty wins.

Anyway, that got me to thinking about how many of you download and/or print out the monthly Spotlight Ads? If you are saving (or printing) them, is there anything that I can do to make it easier? I'd love to hear some ideas. I'd like to think that the Spotlight Ads are being saved in some format. There have been some very, very good dogs up there and from time to time, someone will post here asking about this dog, or that. Anyway, let me know what you're doing with the ads, and if there is anything I can do to make printing or saving them any easier. I save them all to my hd and then back it all up on a RWCD.

best regards,

Re: Specialty Results and Spotlights

How about a Year Book or a CD. It would be nice to have one in a magazine with pedigree attached.I think it should be in full color and the entire page.So you can really view and admire the dogs.Maybe in the end of the magazine have the specialties wins and new calendar of specialties for the next year.

Re: Specialty Results and Spotlights

Georgia I love that idea

Re: Re: Specialty Results and Spotlights

I agree - a print out would be best and I'm sure tons of people would purchase it. I know the Julie Brown CDs did not sell as well as the hard copy. People like to flip through while sitting on the couch, etc.

How many spotlights are there in the year?