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I put in a new misting system today.......

I have tried some misting systems in the past only to wind up with a sopping wet run. Well, I bought a really cheap ($12) system at Lowes thinking I might have to tolerate a little dampness. This system has a tiny hose (1/4 " I think) feeding the nozzles. I've had it on for about 2 hours and the pups have moved away from the fan and are sprawled out on the far side of the run. There is absolutely no excess moisture on the concrete. I guess the small diameter of the hose slows down the water intake enough to avoid the previous flooding problems I had. I think I'm going to to have to go back to Lowes and get another one for the big kids.

Re: I put in a new misting system today.......

i went to a horse wholesaler and bought 5 50 gallon watering pools. they are made of very hard plastic, my dogs play all day in them. its fun, and keeps them cool all day. and best of all they can't chew and break them. they were about 85.00 each but will last a lifetime.

Re: I put in a new misting system today.......

What are the measurements of the 50 gallon horse pools? Do they have some type of drainage ports to allow emptying?

Re: Re: I put in a new misting system today.......

hi karen, the pools are about 3 feet wide by 6 feet long. no they don't have a drainage, but i just tip them over every other day to re-plenish with cool water. they are INDESTRUCTABLE !!!!!!!!!!!

Re: Re: Re: I put in a new misting system today.......

Can you suggest a place to get these?

Re: I put in a new misting system today.......

Jamie K why are you not working! installing a mister...take the babies with you!!

Re: Re: I put in a new misting system today.......

HEY!!! Easy there Erin! I was OFF on Wednesday. You know those kids go to work with me every day....all 5 of them AND their dad and Boudreaux too. LOL Yup takes me about 10 minutes just to unload everybody.