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building back immune system

Scenario: Dog has had an ear infection, Kennel cough that turned into pneumonia, and something that mimicked Lepto (never did find out what it was) in the past 5 months. She has been on antibiotic after antibiotic. She is well now, but I'd like to get something in her to build up what I believe all of those antibiotics must have taken away. Suggestions on supplements to help this young girl? She just turned one this month. Vet says she's just had a rough year and made no suggestions on supplements to rebuild her immune system. I feel she needs a little extra help. In the mean time I'm keeping her out of classes and dog parks for the Summer and taking a little break. ( she got the kennel cough from a dog at one of our training classes, as did several of her classmates!.)

Re: building back immune system

Doc Roys has a super immune booster and flora restorer. Red Cell for
horses, $15 a gallon is very good to restore vitamins and build strength.

Re: building back immune system

You could start by giving her Ester C and a capful of Apple Cider Vinegar (organic if you can find it). Also look into Life Exxtension by Solid Gold - typically it's for older dogs but you can contact them and see if they recommend it in this situation.

Hope your girl is feeling better soon!

Re: building back immune system

Probiotics. Try to get the refrigerated kind, as my holistic vet tells me these are more effective. I get a fruit flavored children's probiotic from my local healthy food grocery store - my dogs think it is a treat.

One of my dogs had a bout with an obscure tick disease a couple of years ago. She ended up on multiple antibiotics and was on antibiotics for several months once we figured out the type of tick disease she had. I, too, felt that her immune system wasn't really up to par after she got through with her treatments. Supplementing with probiotics made a huge difference in her vitality and overall health. I give probiotics to my dogs every day now, and will in the future. I think it makes a dramatic difference in a dog's health.

Also, I would make sure that you are feeding a really good, meat protein heavy diet. Supplementing with organic chicken livers is also a good way to give a dog a boost.

Personally I have also gone to a three year vaccination schedule with my dogs, and I make sure to separate the shots as much as possible - trying to avoid assaulting the immune system unnecessarily.

Re: building back immune system

Just wanted to add - I ended up taking my girl to see a holistic vet specifically to help me figure out how to boost my dog's immune system. We were very successful in getting this dog back on track. She went from a dog with very little energy to one who had tons of energy and vitality and she even went on to get her Master Hunter title this year. Feel free to e-mail me if you want more specifics on what I did, as there is lots of ground to cover on this subject. Good luck.

Grape Seed Extract

I understand that Grape Seed Extract is good for immune support.


Re: Grape Seed Extract

I agree with Susan Bonner.

I'm currently giving my 2.5 year old female Pet Dophilus. It's made by Jarrow. Besides many of the good bacteria that humans need, it also contains several varieties that are found only in dogs.

Our girl has been on it for about 2 months. She will never earn fame for her somewhat sparse coat, but it has been the thickest and fullest that it has ever been. We've noticed a very significant difference. The only thing that has changed over the last two months has been the probiotics and an increase in her fish oil.

We paid $15.95 for 2.05 ounces locally but you may be able to find a better price on the internet.

Hope it helps. We're pretty much sold on it.

Re: building back immune system

Live organism probiotics (must be kept refridgerated)and because of all the antibiotics I would put her on quite a hi dose and keep her on it for months. Check with a holistic vet for proper dosage.

Vit. C

Recently read that carrots are very good for the immune system. It has been written that dogs don't absorb raw veggies to you may want to slightly cook. However, I have been feeding raw as treats for years and my dogs seem to be digesting them well and are very healthy (although haven't been thru what your poor baby has)

Re: building back immune system

You could also try adding Source to the diet. Link below, most feed stores carry this, I know that TSC has it. I have one girl here that has Lymes and another that is anemic. I started them on the Source and it has made a big difference.

Re: building back immune system

Thank you all so much for your input. I will be consulting a holistic vet and discussing all of the idea's!! You've been a tremendous help. Will let you know how we fare over the next few months

Re: building back immune system

what is the exact name of the refrigerated pro biotic you are referring to? Made for people? And dosage?

Re: building back immune system

Fasttrack paste is also a good probiotic. I have also been using something called Berte's Immune Blend for my 12 yo from whom we just removed a grade 2 mast cell tumor. I also like Springtime Longevity. The apple cider vinegar can help too. I even swab it between the toes of any of the dogs that lick their feet excessively.

Re: building back immune system

Probiotics that must be refigerated are the only way to go; your vet is absolutely correct.

Have you thought of feeding RAW? Cheers.

Re: building back immune system

Karen, sorry to be slow in responding to your question. I've been at the beach for a week and just saw this. The probiotic my holistic vet recommended is called FloraBear for Kids. It is made by RenewLife. Ingredients are as follows:

FOS (Fructooligosaccharides) 100 mg
L-Glutamine 100 mg

Lactobacillus acidophilus
Bifodacterium bifidum
Bifodacterium infantis - no amounts given for any of these

NAG (N-Acetyl D-Glucosamine) 25 mg

I hope this is helpful.