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Inverted puppy vulvas

I have had inverted puppy vulvas in litters in the past without any problem or discussion. This is the first litter where veterinarians want to "tack" them down when the puppies are spayed.

What is involved with this procedure? Does it cause its own complications?

I know that this problem will resolve if the bitch puppy is allowed to come into season...but the puppy buyers are against allowing a season.

I have had bitch puppies that were spayed and not "tacked" and there was never a problem.


Re: Inverted puppy vulvas

If it were me I would do what you can to encourage the puppy owner to let the pup have her first season. Even if that means you'll do the hussy watching while she's in.

Inverted vulvas can be a PITA and as you probably know can be the cause of reoccuring bladder infections and vaginitis.

I've never heard of tacking it down so can't help you there.

Re: Inverted puppy vulvas

I have two bitches with inverted vulvas and neither one of them have ever had vaginitis or a UTI. They are both intact but even prior to their first heat there was never any issues. I would definitely see to it the pups are not spayed prior to having at least one heat.

Re: Re: Inverted puppy vulvas

I have spayed bitches with inverted vulvas and they never have a problem.

Re: Inverted puppy vulvas

It is in one of my contracts that pups with IV are not to be spayed until after first heat to prevent a life time of UTI's and in the hopes that the vulva will correct itself and avoid surgery.

If a buyer absolutely does not want to deal with a first heat than the pup with the IV is not the pup for them.

So far in my experience the IV have corrected on first heat.

Re: Inverted puppy vulvas

Also wanted to mention that in my first experience with IV the pup came with a severe infection that took almost 8 months to get rid of.

Since then I have learned that giving cranberry caps daily from 8 weeks on until first heat and correction has prevented any UTIs. Also check PH weekly at home.

Re: Inverted puppy vulvas

My vet advises not to spay before first heat because of incontinence later in life, I have to agree as I have had clients call and ask about their dogs incont. and every one has been spayed before first heat. Be sure and advise puppy buyers of this so they can make their own conclusion and do the research for themselves. Tacking should not be necc. sounds a bit over the top to me.

Re: Re: Inverted puppy vulvas

I have a friend who spayed her field bitch at 4.5 months and now over 2 years later, had the poor girl suffering through UTI after UTI and urine burns until they finally had a vulvaplasty done to repair everything.

I can't believe the puppy buyer won't see reason and just wait through one season.

I kind of agree with the person who said that if they insist on doing this, then maybe this isn't the puppy for them. I just don't like vets that insist on surgery to fix things that may or may not happen and people that won't question their vets. I ran across someone recently who asked if it was OK for their vet to tack down the dog's stomach while in for the spay, just in case the dog were to ever get bloat. OMG. Get a new vet.

Re: Re: Inverted puppy vulvas

Please don't assume that by letting a bitch go into heat that it will correct the vulva, because in many cases it does not. My bitch has gone through 3 seasons and her's has not corrected. Although she has never had a UTI and she is not incontinent, it takes longer for her to urinate as the flow has to go through different folds of skin to trickle out.

Re: Re: Re: Inverted puppy vulvas

I have had them over the years. Are all fine after first heat. One time a puppy person let her Vet talk her into just what you are talking about. Would not believe me. All I can say is what a mess it created. I would not do it.