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Naughty 7 week old litter of puppies

This is a first for me but I went out to check on my puppies and found they had got ahold of the 60 watt light bulb in the shop light that hangs up above to keep them warm at night. It was turned off luckily but still the bulb was broken up in pieces and I don't know if they ate any. I can't imagine that they left the bulb alone without sampling the shattered pieces.

I've never had puppies this age mess with the hanging heat light before but worried about any eaten glass cutting up their intestines and whatever else as it passes down the pike.

I also called my vet and waiting on his input.

Re: Naughty 7 week old litter of puppies

I just had a girl eat a corelle dish which is also glass. When in doubt, you can feed them small cotton balls mixed with canned dog or cat food. This will help if they did get glass because it will become trapped in the cotton and the gut will not be squeezing down on shards of glass.
I thought my girl had eaten the whole bowl but when I got home after having an x-ray done I found the bowl with 2 large chunks missing. In the x-ray I saw two spots that were suspicious to me so I felt better knowing that we had at least done something just in case. She pooped cotton balls for about a week.

Good luck with your naughty ones.


Re: Naughty 7 week old litter of puppies

I once had a cat that ate the needle and thread from my needlepoint. (It was my first cat and I did not realize that they can get into everything everywhere!)
I had a breeder friend visiting and she said to feed her cotton balls soaked in milk. That the cotton goes into the intestines and will wrap around the sharp stuff and help protect the body until it goes through.
I did that and still took the cat to the vet.
He xrayed her and did not see any large pieces and said my friend's advice was "old fashioned" but good.
Everything did come through and she was OK. I assume it would work with a dog too. I probably would be watching the pups like a hawk and might still take them to the vet. Hope they are all fine.

Re: Re: Naughty 7 week old litter of puppies

YES! Cotton balls soaked in milk is the way I was taught, also. Works like a charm!

Re: Re: Re: Naughty 7 week old litter of puppies

I ran to the store to get some of that petromalt that you give cats and rabbits for hairballs then came home and checked the forum for responses. I soaked some cotton squares with milk but they are not eating the cotton squares, just lapping up the tastey milk.

I got one of the puppies to swallow a cotton ball soaked in milk by sticking it way down in his mouth like I do for giving them pills but the other little rascals are spitting them up before I can get my fingers pushed in their mouths with the cotton balls.

I think I have some smarter than average naughty pups on my hands. Looks like they will be starting in on crate training tonight since I can't trust them with any more heat sources. You always dream of and strive to breed intelligent puppies but sometimes it is a curse.

Re: Naughty 7 week old litter of puppies

I had puppies pull the pink insulation out of a wall before and the vet had me feed them extra food to move the insulation along.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Naughty 7 week old litter of puppies

Where do you live that you need a heat source this time of year with a litter that old? We have the air conditioning running overtime here in the northeast!

Re: Re: Naughty 7 week old litter of puppies

My vet advised to feed plain canned pumpkin to which the tiny particles of glass will adhere as it moves along.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Naughty 7 week old litter of puppies

Northwest area and it's raining and not too warm at night time still. They had a cold they are getting over so I didn't want them to get chilled at night time. I don't use it during the day time though.

I'll have to check to see if I have Canned pumpkin though. Thanks for all your ideas !!

Re: Re: Re: Re: Naughty 7 week old litter of puppies

I used cottonballs soaked in veg oil rolled in parmesan cheese. Dogs love 'em. Those were the days before i started putting up PLASTIC christmas balls. (i still say my cat was in cahoots with the dog)

Re: Naughty puppies-- Try Bread

Years ago My first lab deciced to eat the heads off of the disposable razors. I called the E-Vet with visions of my baby's intestines being cut to ribbons, and after he stopped laughing(He explained he was at a dinner party and had just finished talking about that very thing!) he told me to feed him bread, a few pieces soaked in milk or water or just plain if he wouldn't eat it. It worked like a charm!!!!
He passed all the razors without any problem and lived to be 13, good luck!!!

Re: Naughty 7 week old litter of puppies

Let us know how they do!

Re: Re: Naughty 7 week old litter of puppies

Well, my puppies are out of the woods as far as eating any sharp light bulb pieces. My vet finally got back with me and told me to feed them some bread. He explained that normally dog's and puppies won't eat glass because as soon as they chomp on it, they will cut their tongue or gums and spit it out. The injury would be to their tongue and gums.

Re: Re: Re: Naughty 7 week old litter of puppies

I was just wondering what lind of other strange things has everyones dogs eaten?
My family had a Doberman when I was growing up that ate a tube of Desitine.......had to be yuky but strangly enough she never got sick......I was amazed.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Naughty 7 week old litter of puppies

Our first foundation girl was a few days due to whelp her first litter when I let her lick off my cake batter from the spatula. She grabbed ahold of the rubber end of spatula and swallowed it whole. Nothing ever happened to her so she must have passed it out.

Re: Naughty 7 week old litter of puppies

A friend had an adult lab that stole a "still rising" unbaked pan of yeast dough off of the counter. Had lots of gas but the vet said it would pass. Watched for signs of bloat but all was well.

Re: Naughty 7 week old litter of puppies

I had a 4 month old eat a needle. My oldest son and gotten into my sewning kit to sew a button back on his shirt. I quess he forgot to put the needle up because a day later my pup wnet out to poop and just kept strain and straining. He had grass and poop hanging from his bottom. We took him to the vet. He sedated him and found the needle had turned long wise and was stuck on both side of his rectum. He ended up fine but I still cringe when I think about. My children also learned a lesson on why it is important to put things away.