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YUCK! Gel-like stools? Never seen this before!

My 2 that were at shows 1 week ago are having stools that are gel-like in consistency today (I know, gross!)
It's not watery, no blood, no mucus on the outside.
I have not seen poop like this, it's almost like picking up jello!
The vet is obviously not open today - any ideas what it could be?
They are eating, drinking and acting fine

Re: YUCK! Gel-like stools? Never seen this before!

could it be Coccidia or Giardia ? a couple of my 8 week old pups have been going through something like this as of lately. I'm treating them with Albon for now.

Re: YUCK! Gel-like stools? Never seen this before!

Gel-like stools are mucoid stools. Mucus in the stools can be caused by a variety of things; most commonly, stress or dietary indescretion. Stress colitis usually causes mucus, and sometimes blood, and will resolve with a bland diet, reduction in stress, and sometimes medications are needed. A lot of boarded dogs show signs of stress colitis. Dietary indescretion can be owner-induced change in diet, the dog eating something funky, or medications reacting on the gastrointestinal tract.
Coccidia can also cause mucus in the stools.
It's best to observe the dog and try to determine the cause of mucousy stools, and consult a veterinarian if neccessary.
Yeah, they are yucky!!!