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Your California Veterinarians working for you!

AB 1634 will NOT pass because of the efforts of some veterinarians and others who have opposed this bill and what it represents.
The CVMA (California Veterinary Medical Association) today has decided to withdraw it's sponsorship of AB1634.
This is HUGE, as they were the original sponsors of the bill. Thanks to the efforts of many vocal Califoria veterinarians (who were NOT consulted by the CVMA), the CVMA has decided to step down and withdraw support of the mandatory spay-neuter bill.
Does this mean we are home free?
I do believe that PETA and other entities will continue to push their agenda and "in some form" AB1634 will rear it's ugly head again, but for now, we have time to regroup, re-educate and be forewarned.
Information and some compelling letters written to CVMA can be seen on this website:
NAIA (National Animal Interest Alliance), and others. Just type in Vets Against AB1634.
Thanks to Dr. Karen Seibold, Animal Urgent Care (Escondido, CA), Dr. Brenda Phillips, medical oncologist at the Veterinary Specialty Hospital, San Diego, CA, and Dr. Christian Osmond, surgical specialist also at the Veterinary Specialty Hospital. These veterinarians spent a great deal of their (diminishing) personal time writing letters to the CVMA and contacting every single veterinary organization in the state of California for their opinions on AB1634. Their opposition to their parent organization was overwhelming, over 95 % of California Veterinarians OPPOSED AB1634!

For those of you living outside of California: Your time will come, and seriously, get ready! It will be a fight for a long time, and we need to be one step ahead of the animal rights activists.

Re: Your California Veterinarians working for you!

That is AWESOME news! The true behind the scenes work that led up to this was a HUGE letter writing crusade from the people who have been in the trenches fighting it from the start. As well as many CA residents who contacted their vets in dismay over AB 1634. It just shows that the collective dog and cat fancy as well as all breeders and owners of purebred dogs can be a strong force. there is still work to be done but it is indeed a huge blow to the bill.

Re: Your California Veterinarians working for you!

Robin and Gina that is very encouraging news.
Those letters from Veterinarians bring out some very important points that would pertain all around the country.

Re: Your California Veterinarians working for you!

I wonder if many of us "vet types" refusing to renew their CVMA membership (which is more than $200/year/member) had anything to do with the CVMA's stand on this bill? None of the CVMA's members were ever polled about its support of it in any way, shape or form. What a great organization, eh? Sheesh.

Thank goodness they are finally doing the right thing. Regardless, I don't think I will ever renew my membership with them. Their support of AB 1634 left a very bad taste in my will take a few years until I want to be a part of that group again.

Re: Your California Veterinarians working for you!
