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Lilly update

Hello everyone just a note to let you know I have Lilly home my vet released her to me last night. She is up and walking better today she ate and drank fine and was out to potty 3 times. No screaming anymore when I pick her up like yesterday when I went to pick her up and bring her home to my vet. This pup was sick from Last Tuesday according to the vet but never brought in until Friday evening very lethargic and high temp and in pain.

If any one is contacted for a pup from this person avoid him like the plague Dennis Oriel and MaryAnn with a 12 year old son. The funny part was I checked all his references even his vet??????

He took my rights away to talk to the vet to get Lilly the right medications to make her well but Thanks Again to Allison she is alive and will recover fully!

She is resting in her crate in my living room and I want to thank everyone again. She will need time to get her strength back and playing again from all the pain which she never even had pain meds until Monday night now this is sad to, I had all her daily chart records given to me and her admission page for my vet . It had everything on that happened to Lilly and how they were testing and treating her x-rays all of it and still they did not Recognize the HOD. Not even at the hospital in Allentown on Monday night the Dr's there specialist's now I am told had not a clue what was wrong with Lilly. Sad they need to go back to medical school.
The help was great Thanks every one I do appreciate it and Lilly is in no more pain!

Re: Lilly update

Be careful posting someone's name like that on a public forum...could mean a law suit. Maybe you should ask the web master to delete the name, I would hate to see you get into trouble over their stupidity. Please take no offence.

Re: Lilly update

So glad you have Lilly with you where she will get the proper care and glad to hear she is improving.

Re: Lilly update

Well let me reply to this if I put his mail up on the site he would be sued for what he said to me and also his vet!!! I could care less if his name is up. I am concerned about life here real life it is a warning to ignore mail from him if anyone on this forum or any where else he is looking for a pup. Any person that would not allow treatment to a sick pup and tell the vet he will take full responsibly and not actually do it is as phony as it comes and to stop vets from talking to other vets in the matter and my self to is very selfish and ares only about himself. All we wanted him to do is the right thing and let someone talk to the vet to tell her the right treatment for Lilly SHE HAD NOT A CLUE and never even thanked me for pushing to get her the help Lilly needed. he is a real one and if you want send me your email address I will send you a few from him plus the ones I sent him begging him to help us.
I could really care less about this person and if he wants to sue me so be it I have all the documentation I need to sue him from my contract he signed I will send you a copy if you like he has not a leg to stand on! This person only was concerned about the cost and if he would of registered with the AKC he would of had medical coverage for 60 days again to cheap to spend the $20.00 to protect Lilly he brought me a money order for final payment never his check book along to make the check out here for THE AKC to send in by me not him after he filled out the form as he was told to do when he agreed to the puppy purchase. I left him take her without doing . My fault I know but worse his fault!!!!
Thanks for the advice if I sound angry you bet he almost killed the puppy Tuesday morning her temp 105.4 and he would not allow the vets to talk to me or my vet to them this stinks. I hope someday someone does the same in return for him if he is unable to speak for himself as this sweet innocent baby was unable to speak and was in very severe PAIN. If you feel flamed to bad.

Re: Lilly update

Glady you got you puppy back!

I really didn't know much about HOD so was just doing a quick Google.
Found this info, thought was interesting:

Re: Re: Lilly update

I understand your anger and I'm not taking any offence...sorry to upset you...was just a word of caution. I worked for a company that had a "silent partner", they stole money from him and when the accountant caught it they in turn sued him for deflamation of character...AND WON!!! I saw the whole thing go down and I guess I'm just "gun shy" now. Was none of my business anyway.

I'm so glad you got Lilly back and is in the right place...they'll get theirs.

Re: Lilly update

I'm so glad you got your puppy back!
People like that don't deserve to own a Labrador.
I'm thankful that the vets listened to the suggestion of HOD and that she is now getting the treatment she needed.
I just knew it sounded like HOD!
Please keep us posted! I'm sure she'll make a full recovery - the pup I sold did (he stayed with his family and is 2 now!)

Re: Lilly update

Lab Lover and ValWhalen thank you and yes I was on that site with the Lady and read every word and knew it was HOD .
Now for Caution you do not think Iwould be so dumd to post a persons name if I did not have legit evidence from my vet other vets and also his emails to me and mine to him begging him to let Lilly be helped think not. I make sure I am covered and besides even if I wasn't I would do it any way to protect another pup from this person you bet I would ANGRY you have no Idea how angry I am if you could see this pup ytou would be very hurt and upset to there was no need for this to get this far if he would of called me last week on the first day she was ill I would of told him to get her to the vets and if need be I would be right down for her. It is in my contract I will take the pup back if it becomes ill and the ycan not care for the pup!!!!! I was more than willing to do this for my pup or anyone else if not even my pup just in my blood I guess to help a poor defensless pet if finacial help is needed what is MONEY anyway you can not take it with you!!!!!!! I have done this also and will do it again if needed. I was going to mail him a check for half the bills but then when he did this to Lilly forget it not a dime. He knows it to I told him .He took it to far to the line with one of my pups, lucky I did not get to the police part I would of had him arrestedfor refusing treatment to Lilly also when the information was at hand to save her life THE SPCA would of loved this one I am sure.

Money in a company from big businees is not the same as what happened here caution this was a LIFE A living creature that needed help and he ignored .

Re: Re: Lilly update

Ok...that's are putting your anger and aggression towards me and that's enough. I told you I was sorry for even mentioning it and that it was none of my business anyway...NOW KNOCK IT OFF!!!!! All I can say now is DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT...TAKE YOUR ANGER OUT ON THEM!!!

Re: Lilly update

Thank you Louise for sharing your experience and Lily's story. This sharing really brings to forefront sometimes conditions that we only hear about in passing and don't pay much attention to because we haven't had to deal with it (yet) or know anyone who has. Thanks everyone who participated in the thread and helping to makes some of us more aware.

Re: Lilly update

Caution no I was not just trying to tell you 2 differnt types of things.Your apology was excepted but not really necessary I just wanted to make it clear that I am not afraid of this person.
Now Sorry to you to If you took it that way I did not mean it to sound that way. Thanks for the concern about me getting sued . But like I said let him try .
