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Fox Reds

I am an interested potential Labrador owner. I have fallen in love with the shade of yellow known as fox red. This is a permissable shade according to the AKC breed standard, but some people have told me they might have health problems. Is this true? Also I have found some breeders on the web, but most of them look like field dogs which I am not interested in. I amm more interested in the English style show lines. Could someone reccomend a reputable breeder known for producing fox re labradors. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

Re: Fox Reds

Re: Fox Reds

Wasn't this already posted with multiple responses?

Re: Fox Reds

Re: Fox Reds

Empress Labradors
Dawn Nacey

Re: Re: Fox Reds

Oh noooo... Please don't mention me as a fox red breeder.... have I bred red litters yes, do people own red stud dogs yes, but I can't say that I"m experienced in the reds.... I love the color and enjoy seeing them in backyard.

Like I mentioned above please talk with a breeder that has generations and generations of the reds.

Re: Fox Reds

Was CH Avalon's Hell Raiser considered to be the yellow shade of fox red or was he a dark yellow? Thanks for any replies with information.