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Underwater birth????

Ya think you have heard it all and then last week I had a conversation with a Pit Bull breeder who said he whelps his puppies underwater. He uses a plastic pool with a few inches or so of water and the puppies are born underwater???
Never hear of such a thing. I did see a few years ago on TV where human babies have been born under water.
Has anybody heard of this method with puppies? Pros vs Cons??

Re: Underwater birth????

Sounds like a lot of work and time consuming to me. Some just make it harder than it has to be.

Re: Underwater birth????

Sounds cruel and unnatural. I wonder if they had to hold the poor mom down so she could birth her baby underwater. People are so strange with their crazy ideas sometimes.

Re: Underwater birth????

Don't you know that canines in the wild seek out bodies of water in order to give birth?

Re: Re: Underwater birth????

not religious but I think I will say a prayer to God please DON'T bring me back as a brook bitch

Re: Underwater birth????

Humm. Someone trying to make things easier for bitch or someone just trying to be different.

I would say the best way is to make the "nest" as natural for your bitch as you can.

I would think a bitch would know underwater is not right and try to get out of the pool don't you think?

Re: Re: Underwater birth????

Kookoo for KoKo PuffS!

Re: Underwater birth????

Sounds like someone is taking the term "water dog" too literallY! LOL


Re: Re: Underwater birth????