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Subbmissive urination

Need some help with this one i have a 11 month old female she just finished her first heat cycle since the day i got her at about 3months old she pees all over the place I have tried everything not looking her in the eyes talking real soft walking her on the leash every dam day nothing works her urine tests have all come back fine how long do i have to wait for this to stop? I cant deal with it anymore i cant even take her in the house she pees in her crate before i have a chance to open it Not only does she pee she lays right in it. any help would be great Meds Ideas aything thanks

Re: Subbmissive urination

Has she had any UTI's? Is this a bitch with an inverted vulva? Sometimes the innie girls have these problems. Cran caps are often used to avoid a UTI. Hope she improves soon.

Re: Re: Subbmissive urination

Oour first girl that we got is a submissive urinator. Though she wasn't as bad as what your girl appears to be she did grow out of it by the time she was two. She still does it on occasion if another dog especially a male come up to her for a sniff. We got through the worst of it by not making the eye contact and also anyone that came to the door was told to ignore her for the first 10 minutes and then she was fine. We did not use soft sweet voices when talking to her as I think that just induced the peeing even more.

Best of luck with you little girl.


Re: Subbmissive urination

You, and your vet, are sure it is submissive urination and not incontinence? For incontinence Proin works very well.

Re: Subbmissive urination

If it is submissive urination you need to not make a big deal out of the issue. If you talk harsh to her or correct her it may become worse the same goes as sweet talking her. If you can go about letting her in and out of her crate robotic without reaction likely the problem may subside. Also when playing with her keep everything on an even level no extremes.

She is trying to please you by reassuring you that you are dominant to her.

I hate to say this to you since your asking for advise on how to fix the problem but,If you are already burnt out by this and can't deal with her with compassion and understanding without getting angry it may be time to return her to her breeder.

Submisive urination rarely ever completely goes away it is a deep seated issue that most likely will subside with proper training and socialization, but may rear it's ugly head when there is an upset her world.

Good Luck and be patient understanding why this problem is sufacing is most important.

Re: Re: Subbmissive urination

How long is she left in the crate? Maybe she needs to go out to tend to her business more often?

Re: Subbmissive urination

I agree with the person that responded that it is time to return this girl to her breeder. If she were a puppy of mine I would want her back to figure out the problem. If she is peeing before you can even get her out the door the issue has escalated beyond simple training. Submissive urination is a very frustrating problem to deal with and if you have already reached your limit with her she is sensing it which is only making the problem worse. You need a vacation from each other at least, and a divorce if necessary. Just remember, if you aren't happy than she is miserable too. Not a good situation for anyone.

Re: Re: Subbmissive urination

Our girl, when we got her at 13 months, was also a submissive urinator. In her case, part of it was her being unsure of herself. Whenever she was going to be in what we thought would be a submissive situation, we made sure that we took her outside to relieve herself. Whenever company came, out first she went and we told the company to initially ignore her. I think that the biggest change was when we started obedience training. As she became more confident in herself, the problem disappeared. She still is soft, but the SU is a thing of the past. I can only relate to your our experience and mention to you that all dogs are different.

Hope our experience can shed some light on your problem.