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Swimming and Ears

All my dogs are now enjoying the pool we just put in for the family (yeah right) they (the dogs) are loving it, no room for the family. We had them in mind the whole time desiging the pool with plenty of step area and swim outs for them to get to.
What do you do for ears after swimming? Is there a solution that you use to dry after swimming. I towell dry them as much as possible. They range in age from 4 months to 6 years old.
Thanks in advance for your help.....

Re: Swimming and Ears

Same thing I used on my kids to prevent swimmer's ear. I made a mix of 50% alcohol, and 50% white vinegar. Squeeze some into each ear after swimming, and they will not have problems related to the pool water.

Re: Swimming and Ears

I've been using a little bit of the Oxyfresh ear cleaning solution in each of my dogs' ears after spending an afternoon in the pool. I try to do that after drying out as much as possible with cotton, but really, with this particular product, it doesn't seem to make a difference.

I was introduced to the product by one of my mentors, and thankfully, there is a distributor at the majority of dog shows around here, so it is easy for me to come by.

Re: Swimming and Ears

Keep in mind that the wax in the ears not only has a waterproofing effect, it also has antimicrobial properties. Leave the wax in the ear and you will have fewer problems. Remember that black dogs often have black wax, and that's normal. (When the black turns brown and sticky and smelly that's when there is an infection.) When you try to clean or dissolve the wax, you can remove the natural protection.

My general policy is to stay out of the ears unless there is an existing problem, and then I treat it aggressively.

Re: Swimming and Ears

My dogs swim everyday....sometimes twice a day.....I agree with Nancy.....don't do anything unless you have a problem. I dry everyones ears with a towel....I do the sniff test.....if they don't smell..or look nasty....I don't treat. I have a boy that gets one bad ear....I use Oti-Soothe once a week as a preventative. I tried the vinegar solution and I thought it he cried out and tried to rub his ear frantically across the floor !!

Re: Re: Swimming and Ears

I use the purple stuff* as a preventative, a couple times a week....My labs swim several times a day. I also make sure to towel dry the ears well each time they get out of the water.

*purple stuff recipe is on the Woodhaven site, as well as dosing recommendations