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I'm trying to find a better price on Adequan for my folks - it's what keeps their old guy going. I have heard that the canine and equine versions can be used interchangably, and the equine is often less expensive. Does anyone know if you can use the equine version in dogs?


Re: Adequan

I use the equine version on my dogs. I work for a small animal veterinary practice so I get it from work. I believe the prices are pretty close.

Re: Adequan

You can use the equine version in dogs. The main difference is that the dog version is designed as a "multi-use" vial instead of one-time dose. That means that there is some alcohol in the dog version to help its shelf life (and to aid in keeping bacteria from growing due to introduction of a needle into the vial multiple times).

With the equine version, you just want to be "extra-careful" about using- wiping down the top of the vial with alcohol and allowing it to evaporate before introducing your sterile needle, and storing it in a pill vial or something else so it remains covered (to avoid dust, etc. from collecting on the top).

I did some research on all of this, including speaking with the people who manufacture it and market it, since I have a pet-bred girl at home who had surgery at 6 months for bilateral elbow dysplasia, and she does better when kept on Adequan. Funny thing, though, is that there doesn't appear to be much of a price difference per dose between the two (if at all).

Re: Re: Adequan

The horse version is slightly cheaper than the dog version. We just happen to use the horse version at work. Even at "cost" it's pretty expensive. I go through quite a bit of it....unfortunately I have two big boys with "ED" on it. Some Vet's say it's OK to be given SQ...I find that it is more effective if administered IM.. I also keep my boys on Synovi G3 soft chews and 3V capsules. Nothing but the BEST for my guys!

Re: Adequan


Omaha Vet seems to have the best prices. With that said, my vet will match their price as he wants my business. I use the canine version as the price difference is negligible. HTH.


Re: Re: Adequan

About 7 years ago I used a generic form on a dog that I later placed. It was called "Chondro-protect" or something like that. The vet got it for me - he was trying to help me keep costs down. I used it as part of a post-op rehab problem for a dog who blew his ACL and, we discovered, had OCD in the stifle.

IIRC he told me that using it as injectible Adequan was an off label use, but it's the same stuff.

Adequan has great results!

Re: Re: Re: Adequan

Yes- one of the leading orthopedic surgeons around here sends many clients home with Adequan, teaching them how to administer it SQ (rather than IM) in the mid-lumbar area.

Butler Animal Health gave me prices a few months back, and the equine turned out to be something like $0.05 cheaper per bottle at that time. I decided to stick with the canine version, but I only have the one dog on it.

Glad to hear more success stories with its use- the horse world certainly swears by it, and I've certainly heard about (and experienced) more successes than failures.

Re: Adequan

Thanks for all the feedback. I've done some checking around. So far the lowest price I've found for 2 vials of canine is $93.99. BUT, I can get 4 vials of equine for $169. I've got to get a script from the vet, and then I'll be ordering.

Re: Adequan

I have used the equine version before there was a canine adequan.

I get mine through K V Vet Supply. You will need a prescription from your vet.

Re: Re: Adequan

A few years ago when I was using it on one of my old girls, KV Vet Supply would give me a deal when I bought 4 vials at a time. You have to call them and request a price break if you buy that quantity.

Good luck!