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Deep Chest ?

I was browsing through Lab pictures on diff. websites.. Now I've noticed a few other Labs have a chest like my blk lab, Beau. I was just wondering if this common ?

Here are a few pics :
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^ 5 months
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^ 1st Birthday(sorry for the pic quality, we had slushy snow that day, so it was quite muddy when I took this pic).
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
^ 14 weeks old

Ok, here are some more
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
^1 yr 3 months
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
another at 5 months ^
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and another at 1yr

Re: Deep Chest ?

I didn't think pictures were allowed here????

Re: Re: Deep Chest ?

Yes I have a 5 month old boy here like that, HOWEVER he is is slightly over weight and I would say looking at your boy he may be as well.

Re: Re: Re: Deep Chest ?

Are you talking about deep chested or a prominent forechest?

Re: Re: Re: Re: Deep Chest ?

Breeder, I see no rule saying so. Besides, I'm NOT advertising him. I did try links, but they wouldn't work.

I am JUST seeing how common it his for labs to have a chest like his. KDW, I'm not sure, possibly prominent forechest ?!? I dunno.

I was told by the vet that he was not over weight, however I had a feeling he was. I put him on a diet and he lost a few. He looks SOO much better now. The pics I posted are not recent ones.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Deep Chest ?

The forechest is what sticks out in front and it's desireable. The depth of chest should not be below the elbow. I hope this helps.

Re: Deep Chest ?

I am sure he is a wonderful pet and you love him.

Re: Deep Chest ?

The depth of chest should be AT LEAST to the elbow.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Deep Chest ?

His chest comes right down to his elbows- right at. Yup, and thanks :)

Breeder, he is a good dog and my baby. I can't wait to get him into the show ring ! However, I'm waiting until he's 2 for his health clearances.

Re: Deep Chest ?

"The brisket should extend to the elbows, but not perceptibly deeper."

Cut and pasted from the standard.

Re: Deep Chest ?

I did'nt seen or heard this type of pedigrees before,from which counteries these dogs belong

Re: Re: Deep Chest ?

I like a deep chest. I want it at least to the elbow and a tad below. But we all like different things. I don't like it to look like alot of leg showing there. Your dog has a nice forechest. Hard to tell other things from the pictures.

Re: Deep Chest ?

Kinda hard to tell with your photos.

Deep chest as you call it is sometimes known as brisket.At his age you can't see the deep brisket you can on boys of over age 2. I personally like a deep brisket and alot of forechest. Give him time to grow and you'll find out what he really has 5 months to 1 year is a rough age especially for a boy.