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Hanova Iragorri Master Blend

First thank you to all for the kind words about Guiness's wonderful success in Canada this last week. Thank you to all of the people that worked so hard to put on all these shows.
To make the record straight now, being that I am the owner along with my mother Katherine Knox. Hanova Iragorri Master Blend is the beautiful offspring of Winnie's Manpower JH x Bridget In Blue. The mother of this litter is co-owned by myself Wendy Knox and Marco Iragorri. Guiness was bred and whelped and raised his entire life to this point in our home in California.
Thank you very much to all for their kind words. And I please ask that this country specific nationalism please stop now. We are all one large Lab family.
My CONGRATULATIONS go out to all the of the other winners at the Canadian National Labrador Specialty and the BC All Retriever Club show and Sporting Dog Club of Canada Show. Fabulous weekend for all inspite of the rain!!

Re: Hanova Iragorri Master Blend

Congratulations Wendy! My Sydney kids are doing great in the ring also, seems that boy is throwing some really nice puppies! The other girl I kept out of the litter I had from him took Best Puppy at our recent Lab Club specialty and the sister took RWB the day before at the Sporting Dog Specialty and her first time in the ring took BOS for a 5pt major! I will send you the Best Puppy picture soon as it is a real nice one!