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Chocolate puppy

I sold a chocolate puppy to a pet home 9 months ago. Owner called me to ask if I had ever had a chocolate puppy loose its pigment in its nose. She said that the nose was pink. I had never heard of that. Yellows getting winter nose, but chocolates loosing pigment. that is new to me. The new owner lives in Arizona and says that her dog swims in her pool daily. Any thoughts anyone? TIA

Re: Chocolate puppy

Do they use a plastic bowl for food/water? Is the dog rubbing his/her nose on a crate or ????

Re: Chocolate puppy

Have a vet do a biopsy on the nose. You might want to do some research on lupus, nasal hyperkaratosis, and/or vitiligo. I had a chocolate loose pigment at nine months as well and it came back first as discoid lupus and then reclassified as vitiligo. The pigment is the only issue and she is otherwise happy and healthy. Contact me privately if you'd like to exchange photos.

Re: Re: Chocolate puppy

How about discoid lupus???

Re: Chocolate puppy

Yep email me. If you can send me a picture. I could tell you if it's the same as a pet client has.

Which is hyper kertosis.

Re: Re: Chocolate puppy

My choco male started losing his pigment in nose, lips, gums etc. around the same age. Was an allergy to plastic. Switched to SS bowls, and waited about a year and it almost fully came back. 4 years later, let the dogs drink out of a different type of plastic bowl, and lo and behold he started losing his pigment again. Tossed that bowl right out. BTW-I diagnosed it myself through vet books, 2 different vets in my area were useless.