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Barriers for autos

Looking for advice once again on equipment for the car. :) I would like to get one of those barriers that you can put up to keep the dogs from jumping over the seats. In the past I have had the bar type that is held in place by pressure; I think I would like to avoid those, as I don't want to damage my car. Have any of you used the mesh type "nets?" Thanks in advance!


Re: Barriers for autos

I have a bar type for my Tahoe that does use pressure, but rather than really mess up the headliner of the SUV, I tighten it (but not real tight), then zip-tie the barrier to the headrest of the rear seats. I REALLY don't like to have my dogs not riding in crates, but sometimes when there are 4-5 people and more than 2 dogs, I'm forced to. My sister has a Mercedes SUV and she has the mesh type net which is really like flat nylon webbing about oh, 2" wide and sewn together in a cross-hatch pattern...well, one 2-1/2 hour trip to LA for a show and one dog (or more, we're not REAL sure of the culprit, but we have our suspicions) chewed through part of the mesh. Other than that, she likes it and it is easier to take down than my barrier(I'd like to point the finger at her Husky as the guilty party, but more likely it was my son's lab, Gem, aka "bad dog" or "moose" - doesn't matter, she comes to both). You do have to have the built in "anchors" to attach it to.

Re: Barriers for autos

I have been using the bar type for two years now, bought it on ebay, no damage and $30

Re: Re: Barriers for autos

Thanks for the info! True confessions: I bought a new Subauru Forester and although I checked the dimensions, it is too small with the seat configs etc. I can squeeze two crates in there but not easily and not without sacrificing visibility. Buyer's remorse? No, I love my car! But I may just have to keep the T&C as my dog car. LOL! I haven't tried wire crates yet... maybe that will be the answer.

Re: Barriers for autos

This is going to be really cheap, you know the dividers you get when you buy an adult sized crate? Keep them, I use that and a bungee cord and voila, no damage and its virtually free.

I never use the dividers otherwise.

Re: Re: Barriers for autos

".... the dividers you get when you buy an adult sized crate? Keep them, I use that and a bungee cord and voila, no damage and its virtually free."

That's a good idea, Melissa; I do have a few of those. I think I can rig it up when in a pinch, for quick jaunts to town with a couple dogs. Nothing beats a crate, however. Not only safer for the dogs, but safer for the car as well. Thanks again for a great suggestion! :)

Re: Barriers for autos

No problem Nancy, I am the master of cheap! LOL

Re: Barriers for autos

I will not take a dog in a vehicle without it being in a crate.........EVER.

You put children in special seats........the dogs need to be protected too. If you are ever in an accident the dogs will be thrown forward and most likely injured, or could get loose and run off.

Better safe than sorry.