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Masticatory Myositis

I have a friend who has a 3 year old who just started to show signs of this disease. Does anyone out there have any experience with this? It is a hereditary jaw disease.

Re: Masticatory Myositis

It can be halted and go back to normal, I believe, if treated quickly. I've seen this at the boarding kennel a few x. A couple of goldens(unrelated) had it and a chocolate lab two years ago. I told the owners of the lab that they had to get her in right away and forget boarding, but they wouldn't listen, waited too long(3 weeks) and now poor Maggie has a horribly disfigured head. Steroids are given because the tissue tightens around the head/eyes and will continue to tighten/shorten unless treated. I'm sure someone out there knows more.